Vad gäller det här tycker jag Tarana Burke som startade rörelsen beskrivit det bra, både i det längre statement angående själva det fallet och hur det använts för att smutskasta me too och hur sociala och politiska rörelser sådana här gånger missbrukas, och nu senast det här:
"The 'me too' movement isn't dead, this system is dead.
This is the same legal system that y'all have been relying on for justice and accountability for decades to no avail. When you get the verdict you want, 'the movement works' - when you don't, it's dead. When Weinstein went to jail it was, "me too is winning!" When Cosby came home it was, "What a blow, me too is losing!" In the meantime - millions of people who have never been able to utter the words 'it happened to me' have released the shame that wasn't theirs to carry in the first place, we have built the country's first political agenda created solely by Survivors, and for the first time since Anita Hill took the stand three decades ago we've had a sustained national dialogue about, not just sexual harassment, but the spectrum of sexual violence in this country. That's in addition to various laws and policies passed, etc. This movement is very much ALIVE.
You all want to play ping pong and have your way with the hashtag because it doesn't mean anything to you so you try to kill it every few months. But it means something to millions and millions of folks. It means freedom. It means community. It means safety. It means power. You can't kill us. We are beyond the hashtag. We are a movement."
Jag tror att om man har för avsikt att smutskasta me too via det här fallet, eller generellt ser det som att enskilda fall kan avgöra legitimiteten hos stora sociala och politiska rörelser, så har man inte förstått rörelsen överhuvudtaget.
Jag tänkte lägga till länk till deras statement, som jag tycker var väldigt tydligt och bra, men tiden för att ändra i inlägget har gått ut och jag lägger in hela här istället då det inte var så långt. Jag tycker det är typiskt för vår tid att me too kommer upp i en sådan här tråd i vad som kan vara någon avsikt att skapa misstro mot rörelsen, eller om man ska tolka det finare - en farhåga om att det kan skapa misstro, och då tror jag det är extra viktigt att komma ihåg att skilja på individer i en kändisrättegång, och en politisk/social rörelse som rör något mycket större.
"Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: ‘me too.’ Issues Statement on the Mischaracterization of the Movement
#MeToo is the greatest acknowledgment by survivors about the prevalence of sexual violence, ever. Since the hashtag went viral, so much has shifted toward nuanced narratives about survivorhood and the long term, widespread impact of sexual violence. And yet, the way in which #MeToo has been co-opted and manipulated during the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial is a toxic catastrophe and one of the biggest defamations of the movement we have ever seen.
Over the last six weeks, we have been confronted with the mockery of assault, shame and blame. Countless headlines proclaiming the death of #MeToo. News stories full of clickbait, having nothing to do with the actual work happening to interrupt sexual violence, have come across our screens with haste. No mention of the fact that, not only was this trial not about sexual violence at its core, but there has also been no headline asking the question that really matters – “What do we need to do to prevent anyone else from having to say #MeToo?”
What we experienced in the Depp-Heard trial was a public retelling of intimate partner violence between two privileged white celebrities. And the accounts are as equally harrowing as the public humiliation and harassment thwarted against Heard. It is a case study for how social and political movements get misused and weaponized against the very people it’s meant to serve.
Larger than this trial and ultimate jury decision is a movement made up of millions of survivors fighting for their dignity and their right to seek justice, and a country that still has to reckon with why it is so invested in the pain and anguish of violence, rather than remedying it. As for me too. International, the organization that was founded to ensure that the original intent of #MeToo is realized, we will continue to center and speak to those who need healing. At a time when we are facing new threats against abortion rights, gun safety, and the fight for Black lives, we will not lose focus or shy away because of those who are committed to misunderstanding our movement. The work to honor our rights to our own bodies and to build disruption across the spectrum of rape culture, persists."