Vad gör vi? Del CXLII

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Efter stallfix och en stunds tömkörning av pållan ikväll blev det hämtmat och en julfilm från i år; A Boy Called Christmas 😊. En mysig julfilm med Borzoihundar med 😍. Vi dök också ner i helgens godispåse; det sista "vanliga" godiset för min del resten av det här året! Blir tillräckligt mycket julgotta kommande månad ändå så slipper vågen slå mer frivolt än den redan gör, skämt åsido 😂.
På väg hem från SIHS. Är sååå trött! Ser så vansinnigt mycket fram emot sängen. Är jättetörstig O_o

Fick även gratis bubbelvåffla med banan, Nutella och strössel från ben&jerrys foodtrucken. :love:gick förbi precis när de stängde och de frågade om jag ville ha, annars skulle det slängas. Kommer förmodligen handla där I morgon. Så himla tacksam!
Skallrar i rutorna. Tur alla djuren är inne och snoozar i sina hus. :heart
Det regnar nämligen också....


"Updated list on the Roads around us Scottish Borders (I will keep updating it below) last updated at 11pm

Putton Mill, Duns - tree down - road closed
Lyall Terrace, Burnmouth - tree down - road closed
B6355 Duns to Cranshaws - several trees down - road closed
High St, Ayton - tree down, both lanes blocked
A6112 at Bonkyl Cottage - tree down, road blocked
A6112 Preston Farm - tree down, road closed
B6437 North of Lennel - tree down on road
B6461 Swinton crossroads to Swinton Mill - tree down, passable with extreme care
B6461 - A697 Orange Lane - tree down, road closed
D154/6 West Loch Road, Coldingham - tree down, road closed
A6089 north of Nenthorn - tree down, road blocked
B6352 just outside Kelso - tree down, road blocked
A697 south of Greenlaw - tree down, road closed
B6355 Ayton to Eyemouth - numerous trees down, road closed
A701 Romanno Bridge - trees down, road closed
A697 - A698 Fireburnmill - multiple trees down, road closed
A6105 - Chirnside to Berwick - tree down, road closed
A6105 Duns to Greenlaw - trees down, road closed
A6105 Bridgend, Duns - multiple trees down, road closed
B6368 Gilston road - tree down, road closed
C78 Leaderfoot to Smailholm - tree down, road closed
A697 3 miles south of Greenlaw - multiple trees down, road closed
B6374 Lowood to Galashiels - tree down, road closed
C79 Charterhouse to Stichill - tree down, road closed
A72 Galashiels to Clovenfords - tree down, one carriageway blocked, passable with care
A6112 Swinton - tree down, passable with care
Bank Stree Brae, Galashiels - tree down, road closed
B6356 Scott's View to B6360 Leaderfoot - tree down, road closed
A699 at Roxburgh junction - two trees down, road blocked
B6352 Bridgend Park, Kelso - tree down, passable with care
B7009 Fauldshope, Ettrick Valley - tree down, road blocked
B6400 Ashieview - multiple trees down, road blocked
B6461 Kelso to Eccles - tree down, passable with care.
Guards Road, Coldstream - damage to building, road closed.
B6357 Newcastleton - two trees down either side of village, road closed
B6438 Auchencrow to Preston - trees down, road blocked
Lyne Station to B712 - tree down, road blocked
A699 St Boswells to Selkirk - tree down, one carriageway blocked, passable with care
Burnfoot to Hornshole - tree down, road closed
A698 at Coldstream Health Centre - tree down, road closed
B6350 Kelso to Sprouston - tree down, road closed
Ashiesteel Bridge to Craigmyle Estate - tree down, road blocked
Trinity St, Hawick - building damage, road closed"
Inte kul att hitta hästen i hagen som fastnat med båda bak benen i hålen på plastlocket till haysavern. :(
De lyckas ju peta ut locket och på nåt sätt hade han fastnat.
Lyckades med hjälp av en grensax klippa upp plasten och få bort det.
Dessutom hade nåt vilt djur fastnat i eltråden och fart upp med tråden en bit.
Middagen bestaende av potatismos, nygjord sas och nagra skivor kalkon fran i gar har nyss avatits. Jag har nu reparerat Camilla's kalender. Sa fort Maken ar klar i koket ska jag ta in Nalle's kalender fran garaget och fixa den ocksa fran forra aret's "carnage" :p. I morgon ska jag sla in paket ... 48 stycken, narmare bestamt. 🙄

"Updated list on the Roads around us Scottish Borders (I will keep updating it below) last updated at 11pm

Putton Mill, Duns - tree down - road closed
Lyall Terrace, Burnmouth - tree down - road closed
B6355 Duns to Cranshaws - several trees down - road closed
High St, Ayton - tree down, both lanes blocked
A6112 at Bonkyl Cottage - tree down, road blocked
A6112 Preston Farm - tree down, road closed
B6437 North of Lennel - tree down on road
B6461 Swinton crossroads to Swinton Mill - tree down, passable with extreme care
B6461 - A697 Orange Lane - tree down, road closed
D154/6 West Loch Road, Coldingham - tree down, road closed
A6089 north of Nenthorn - tree down, road blocked
B6352 just outside Kelso - tree down, road blocked
A697 south of Greenlaw - tree down, road closed
B6355 Ayton to Eyemouth - numerous trees down, road closed
A701 Romanno Bridge - trees down, road closed
A697 - A698 Fireburnmill - multiple trees down, road closed
A6105 - Chirnside to Berwick - tree down, road closed
A6105 Duns to Greenlaw - trees down, road closed
A6105 Bridgend, Duns - multiple trees down, road closed
B6368 Gilston road - tree down, road closed
C78 Leaderfoot to Smailholm - tree down, road closed
A697 3 miles south of Greenlaw - multiple trees down, road closed
B6374 Lowood to Galashiels - tree down, road closed
C79 Charterhouse to Stichill - tree down, road closed
A72 Galashiels to Clovenfords - tree down, one carriageway blocked, passable with care
A6112 Swinton - tree down, passable with care
Bank Stree Brae, Galashiels - tree down, road closed
B6356 Scott's View to B6360 Leaderfoot - tree down, road closed
A699 at Roxburgh junction - two trees down, road blocked
B6352 Bridgend Park, Kelso - tree down, passable with care
B7009 Fauldshope, Ettrick Valley - tree down, road blocked
B6400 Ashieview - multiple trees down, road blocked
B6461 Kelso to Eccles - tree down, passable with care.
Guards Road, Coldstream - damage to building, road closed.
B6357 Newcastleton - two trees down either side of village, road closed
B6438 Auchencrow to Preston - trees down, road blocked
Lyne Station to B712 - tree down, road blocked
A699 St Boswells to Selkirk - tree down, one carriageway blocked, passable with care
Burnfoot to Hornshole - tree down, road closed
A698 at Coldstream Health Centre - tree down, road closed
B6350 Kelso to Sprouston - tree down, road closed
Ashiesteel Bridge to Craigmyle Estate - tree down, road blocked
Trinity St, Hawick - building damage, road closed"

Jag ligger vaken och bara scrollar i telefonen, men borde nog försöka ge den här trötthjärnan lite sömn. Märkte jag om inte annat nu, när jag läste ovan och tänkte ”Oj, vilken exakt uppdatering av antalet träd det är som har fallit över vägarna, och så konstigt att det är just tre stycken på så många ställen.” 🙈
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