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Ascione, F.R. and Barnard, S. The link between animal abuse and violence to humans: Why veterinarians should care. In: Recognizing and reporting Animal Abuse: A Veterinarian´s Guide. American Human Association, Englewood, 4-10, 1998.
Gray, J. The psychology of fear and stress. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1971.
Jensen, P. Stress i djurvärlden. LTs förlag, Stockholm, 1996.
Munro, H. and Thrushfield, M. “Battered pets”: Features that raise suspicion of nonaccidental injury. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2001, May Vol. 42, 218-226.
Munro, H. and Thrushfield, M. “Battered pets”: Non-accidental physical injuries found in dogs and cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2001, June Vol. 42, 279-290.
Munro, H. and Thrushfield, M. “Battered pets”: Sexual abuse. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2001, July Vol. 42, 333-337.
Munro, H. and Thrushfield, M. “Battered pets”: Münchhausen syndrome by proxy (factitious illness by proxy). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2001, August Vol. 42, 385-389.
Rydström, Jens. Sinners and Citizens – bestiality and homosexuality in Sweden 1880 – 1950. Dissertation, Stockholms Universitiet, 2001.
Seligman, M. and Maier, S. Failure to escape shock. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1967, 74:1-19.
Starrin, K. Hund i rätta händer – om hundägarens ansvar. Betänkande av Hundansvarsutredningen. Statens Offentliga Utredningar, SOU 2003:46.
Striwing, H. Djur som brottsoffer. Nya doxa, Nora, 1998.
Tapper, Ingrid. Etologiboken. Om hundars beteenden. Bilda Förlag. 2002.
Weiss, J. Effects of coping behaviour in different warning signal conditions on stress pathology in rats. Journal of Comparative and Psychology, 1971, 77:1–13.