Sv: Någon som känner till KWPN hingsten Ulandro
Hans härstamning
e.Manno - Balmoral - Kroonprins
Född 2001 166 cm
Omdöme vid bruksprov för tuigpaarden:
Performance Ermelo 2005 (04-04 t/m 24-05)
Ulandro is an honest, dependable stallion. He has more than sufficient to much willingness to work and he drives well.
The walk is active and has good scope. The stallion generally has much self-carriage in front of the show cart. He carries the neck well and comes back well in the front but he should rise more with the body. Ulandro has much to very much action in the foreleg and moves the foreleg out very well. The use of the hindleg is more than sufficient to good. The stallion has more than sufficient flexibility and impulsion but he should sometimes bring the hindleg underneath the body with more power. The stallion has much suspension. Ulandro has more than sufficient to much enthusiasm. Ulandro has much to very much talent for harness work and gives his driver a good feeling.
The stallion's stall behavior and while being handled is normal.
No veterinary remarks.
Posture 8
Trot: suspension moment 8.5
Trot: action of forelegs 9
Trot: use of hindlegs 8
Desire to go 8
General impression 8.5
Total points 50.00
Placement 3e van 7 (7)