Gränslösa män och era egna gränser?

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Här är en till som skriver under på att det där med att vara introvert/extrovert inte har något alls med social kompetens att göra. Jag är själv extrovert, uppskattar sociala sammanhang/får energi av att umgås med folk, men är inte direkt socialt begåvad och är långt ifrån någon pratkvarn. Min bästa kompis är däremot ett geni på det området, hon får nya vänner överallt men blir dränerad på energi om hon måste umgås med andra än familjen för ofta.
Såklart det finns!

Nine Characteristics to Help You Spot an Alpha Female

1. Alpha females are social conductors; non-alpha females are her orchestra

Next time you are at a party or networking event, try this fascinating experiment: Find a group of three or more females —you do not need to be close enough to hear them, they should just be in your line of sight. Put a five-minute timer on your phone or watch and take note of the direction of the women’s feet. Almost always women point their feet toward the person they are most interested in or who they feel is leading the group’s tempo. In only five minutes you will be able to see where the majority of the women are pointing their feet. Amazingly, you will notice that most of the women in the group will be pointing toward the same woman–even if they are in a circle and even if that woman is not talking.

2. All females follow the alpha’s social cues

Once you have an inkling of who the alpha female is in the group, move closer (or, if you are a woman, you even can join the circle). You will notice that the entire group is taking ‘social cues’ from the alpha. The other women will hold their body like her. They will talk in the same voice tone. They even will laugh for the same amount of time as the alpha does. By the way, alpha female behavior is harder to spot in a group of males and females—males confuse the female attention spans.

3. When the alpha female leaves, a social vacuum is created

Another way you can spot the alpha female of a group is by watching how each group member exits. When non-alpha’s leave the group nothing much happens—conversation continues, the gap closes and group members move on. However, when THE alpha female (and there can be only one, see below for details) you will see something odd happen. Either conversation stops completely and the group members look around expectantly for a new alpha, or the group disperses.

4. There are different degrees of female alpha-ness

Female alpha-hood is not like pregnancy (you are or you aren’t). It is more of a spectrum. Some women have a high tendency to be alpha. They enjoy social conducting, being the leader and/or the center of attention. Some women only like being female alphas in their home, but not in the business environment. Some women are only social alphas around certain groups of friends. If you explain the alpha female phenomenon to a woman, she most likely will be able to tell you her ‘degree’ of social alpha-ness. On a ten point scale she might be a seven or a four, for example.

5. There can be only one alpha female per cluster

What happens when two alpha females are in the same office? One word: Disaster. Or, maybe two words: Disaster and Drama. The alpha female with the higher degree of alpha-ness usually takes charge and the second alpha female backs down. Well, she seethes, plots revenge and then backs down. In social groups most of the female drama comes when two alpha females are competing to be the social conductor and non-alpha females (or alpha females to a lesser degree) are not sure who to follow.

6. There must be at least one alpha female

Oddly, there must only be one alpha female, but there also has to be AT LEAST one. We all have experienced (whether we knew it or not) a group without an alpha female. Men would describe it as ‘awkward,’ ‘weird,’ or ‘boring.’ This is because in a group of women with very low alpha female tendencies no one is sure how to act, what to talk about or the social pace. Alpha females actually have the very important role of social lubrication.

7. Alpha females are social lubrication and business mediators

We have very little awareness of how important they are and how much we do, in fact, rely on alpha females. They bring social ease to a group. They tell jokes. They start conversations. They introduce people. They smooth over business disagreements and take charge. They have many names, both good and bad: connectors, chatty, gossipers, queen bees, leaders, bossy, self-centered, the life of the party, social and control freaks.

8. We are groomed to either accept or become alpha females

In the book The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, she discusses the evolutionary and biological importance for females to get along and keep harmony in a group. From a very young age girls are taught—far more than boys–to share, cooperate and play fair. Girls get very good at reading other’s emotions and adapting to the tone of a group. Alpha females actually make it easier for a group of girls to interact because there is one unspoken leader. This leader sets the tone for the group and allows girls to get along without having a power struggle.

9. Alpha females are the top of the hierarchy

If I had to put a label on the different most typical female roles in group settings, here are what they would be:

Alphas: Leaders

Betas: Side-kicks or enforcers of alpha leadership.

Nus: The exact middle letter of the Greek alphabet, Nus are fillers. They provide conversation, gossip and support for the Alpha.

Zetas: The jokester, comic relief, clown, goofball of the group. Most groups have a female jester.

Omegas: (The last letter of the Greek alphabet) The victims, the bullied, the weaklings or the “C” in a female troika always are picked on or treated with loving condescension. (See my article on Female Troikas.)

Sampis: (An obsolete letter of the Greek alphabet, often forgotten) The Invisibles, the forgotten girls whose quiet or shy demeanor often means they are not included or counted.

Varför känns det som om jag precis läste manuset till en riktigt kass amerikansk high-school komedi? :rofl::rofl:
Varför känns det som om jag precis läste manuset till en riktigt kass amerikansk high-school komedi? :rofl::rofl:

Mer läsning ;)

1. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU STUBBORNLY STICK TO YOUR STANDARDS. You know who you are, what you want and you won’t budge on what’s important to you. This is what makes you such a force to be reckoned with, in the boardroom and bedroom. Sometimes this makes you a little rigid, but you’re unapologetic in your demands and that makes you way more likely to get what you want in life.

2. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU TAKE THE LEAD. Wait around? What the hell for? You have no problems taking control of situations. That’s why you’re the woman in charge who gets stuff done efficiently and done well. In fact, you actually prefer to be the one in charge. You can sometimes come off as a control freak, but you’re a natural born leader who needs room to pave a new path and make your mark.

3. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU’RE RIDICULOUSLY INDEPENDENT. You like doing things in your own way and you don’t need anyone around to help you. You’ve got things sorted and God help anyone who stands in your way or tries to clip your wings. Clingy guys, beware. You definitely don’t need a relationship to be happy, and it’s possible you might not even want one — you’re too busy bossing life all on your own.

4. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU’RE UNWAVERING IN YOUR CONFIDENCE. One of the classic traits of alpha females is that they’ve got high self-esteem. It’s the kind of confidence that comes naturally to you — you don’t need to fake it ’til you make it. Some people might misunderstand you and think you’re conceited, but it’s not that at all. You don’t think you’re better than anyone else, you just know that you’re as worthy as them of the best things in life.

5. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU’RE OUTSPOKEN. If something pisses you off in your relationship or with your friends, you’ll speak up about it. You like being honest about what you feel and you’re the type who lays her cards on the table. Beating around the bush puts you off big time so you lay your cards on the table and are always upfront about what you’re thinking and feeling. This can make relationships a bit tense sometimes, but you believe in total honesty and transparency.

6. YOU’RE AN ALPHA FEMALE IF YOU KNOW WHEN TO WALK AWAY. You don’t settle for less than you deserve and you will walk away from a toxic relationship before it gets the better of you. You wouldn’t dream of settling because you’re too strong for that. If you’re mistreated or if a relationship has hit a dead end, you don’t waste any more time — you end it and move on.

7. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU’RE INTROVERTED. You are a big thinker, like quiet times and try to avoid the spotlight that the alpha female basks in. You might not speak your mind as much as her, but that doesn’t mean you’re weak. In fact, the time you spend on your own means you have an incredible knowledge of who you are and are comfortable in your own skin, and that’s a gift.

8. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU DON’T MIND BEING LED. You have no problems letting other people take over. You don’t mind taking orders — it doesn’t intimidate you to take a backseat sometimes. It doesn’t mean that you’re insecure, necessarily — it could just be that you are not always hungry for control. You know you have fantastic ideas and things to contribute, but you don’t need accolades for it. You’re happy to do what you do and do it well in the background because you’re secure in your abilities.

9. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU’RE VERY EMOTIONAL. You’re in tune with your feelings and empathetic to others, but sometimes you place others’ needs in front of your own. This can be a good thing, but not if you’re compromising on what you need, so you have to make sure you’re not settling. Being in touch with your emotions makes you way more sympathetic and empathetic towards others, qualities which are in short supply but desperately needed in this world.

10. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU LIKE BEING COURTED. You want men to make the first move and be chivalrous, as well as court you. You want the chase and you sometimes like to play hard to get, unlike the alpha female who goes for what she wants immediately. This means you often get to experience some amazing love, and while you don’t have unrealistic expectations about Prince Charming or anything of the sort, you do enjoy some traditional romance.

11. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU PREFER THE GENTLE APPROACH. When your friend is wearing an unflattering outfit and asks for your opinion on it, you’ll be careful about how to tell her that it doesn’t suit her. Yes, there’s sugar-coating involved, unlike the alpha female who will be blunt and has run out of sugar. You like to take the gentle route because you don’t want to upset anyone. This will make people in your life feel safe coming to you with anything — they know they’ll always get an understanding ear.

12. YOU’RE A BETA FEMALE IF YOU’RE MORE PASSIVE THAN AGGRESSIVE. When your ideas get stolen at work or your boyfriend wants to do something that you’re not that keen on, you’re more likely to be passive and go with the flow. You don’t really speak up the way an alpha female would and while you have to be careful that you’re not taken advantage of, you’re known as a peace keeper and a mediator, which can feel like a great role to have.
Jo, mina ragg brukar ju säkert läsa på buke...

Jag vet inte vad "alla" kvinnor gillar. Men vissa "traits" är något som de flesta gillar.
Jorå, gillar mig själv helt ok. Men tjejer desto mindre .
Har varit på uppskattningsvis 10 dejter i år. Men bara en har varit intresserad av en andra dejt.

Hon finns ju. Jag har ju haft 4 visserligen korta förhållanden. Men det är inte lätt att finna .
Även om de inte läser på Buke så märks det nog IRL hur du resonerar. Om bara 1 av 10 du dejtat vill träffa dig igen en andra gång och om du bara haft 4 kortare förhållande i ditt liv så gör du nog något fel.

Det är liksom så bisarrt att du sitter och talar om för en mängd kvinnor om hur kvinnor tänker.
Helt ärligt, hur många män har du raggat upp eller blivit uppraggad av?

Varför kan du inte ta in att kvinnor nog vet mer om kvinnor än vad du gör?
@Hero Jag tror det räcker med att du lägger in länkar så slipper folk som inte gitter läsa tramset scrolla så mycket.

Men det är ju lite intressant hur jag aldrig hör en "beta-klassad" kvinna klaga på att hon inte är en "alpha", eller ens uttrycket användas någonstans, någonsin.
Jag tror du skulle må mycket bättre av att sluta generalisera både män, kvinnor och dig själv. :)
@Hero Jag tror det räcker med att du lägger in länkar så slipper folk som inte gitter läsa tramset scrolla så mycket.

Ursäkta, sitter själv på en 43 tums skärm så för mig tar texten bara upp halva skärmen :D
Tänkte att om jag länkar kan man ju lika gärna googla själv...
Jag blir lite fundersam på om det bara är män som kan vara alpha eller beta? (enligt de människor som faktiskt tror på den teorin till att börja med ;) ) Kanske är det därför kvinnor generaliseras så brett och extremt, för att det helt enkelt inte finns några graderingar för dem. De är helt enkelt bara kvinnor och fungerar som kvinnor gör! :idea:
Genomgående i TS resonemang, så är ju män olika och de är subjekt. Kvinnor är lika och de är objekt.
För att människor är så otroligt mångfacetterade så indelningar, särskilt i ett av få fack, blir skevt. Dessutom är det inte statiskt utan konstant föränderligt.

Liksom man kan leva med en människa i 10 år och fortfarande upptäcka nya sidor av denne.

Det är ju generaliseringar och då måste man ta det som det också ?
Allvarligt, @Hero jag orkar inte ens läsa allt svammel som du klistrar in. Det saknar liksom betydelse.

Flera av mina kompisar upplever att jag har ett rätt tydligt kroppsspråk men många män verkar missa det helt. Senast igår hände det på jobbet. Jag öppnade för en desperat kund fast vi egentligen hade stängt. Han strök mig över armen och jag drog mig undan. Bytte ett par meningar till varpå han stryker mig längs armen igen TROTS att jag flyttade mig gången innan. Bara en sån grej upplever jag som ganska gränslös faktiskt.
Det är ju generaliseringar och då måste man ta det som det också ?

Men varför generalisera? Det är helt värdelöst på den där nivån. Generaliseringar funkar på allmängiltiga saker som ”de flesta människor blir glada av uppskattning” och ”de flesta människor tycker om snälla personer”.

Men en könskopplad personlighetsgeneralisering är lika värdelös som om man skulle anse att ”folk med gröna skosnören har lättare att vara otrogna”
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