Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

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Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6


But see our point of view, you are new in the swedish version, we don't know you, we don't know how you play since we don't sit beside you. Here is a new german (?) player to the swedish version which suddenly jump up in the rankings, takes over in the GP race, and yes takes care of over 1000 horses a day. I know it's not impossible to blup a horse in 13 min, I know it goes way faster than that on the german version or even the international version. I also know that the competitions goes slower in the swedish version. That's why I like the swedish version a lot since it was a bit slower and not such cut throught competition here, until a lot of foreign players came in and well won't go further lol :p
Nevertheless, I personally checked up how many horses the no 1 in the rankings for taken care of horses in the other versions had and they were no where near 1100 horses a day. I also know there is a limit on how many horses you can take care of, I have heard it is 1000 horses a day. I personally thought perhaps swedish version didn't have that rule yet since it's so new, so some players may take advantage about that fact and use scripts. So I and other players get suspicious, wouldn't you in our shoes? So then yes I did report about you and your friend about my suspicisions. I waited for a while to check things around since I don't take reporting lightly and I said in my PM to the MOD that I had no proof at all, i'm only suspicious and perhaps they should check things up. Then Howrse take actions and check things up, it's not like they suspend players due to the other players report. When you signed up you said yes to their rules, which include they have the right to suspend without warning.

Jealousy you say, I don't give a rat ass about the GP race but I don't like players how cheat. But i'm not the one who decide who, how and if a player cheats, Howrse do. So take this discussion with howrse not us, if you don't cheat it will show.

Don't remember who said this about Skype (not you ease). But lol, why should Skype count as a script?? It is a program which you use to chat or talk with. Skype will not take care of your horses as some scripts can. If Skype could take care of your horses then yes it would not be allowed........

Sedan angående den som rapporterade snyggve, well det här är ju ett öppet forum. En moderator kan lika gärna ha läst det själv... behöver ju nödvändigtvis inte vara någon som rapporterade? Tror det är väldigt många från howrse hittar hit och bara läser. Så vi bör nog tänka efter lite innan vi skriver saker här.
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Sedan angående den som rapporterade snyggve, well det här är ju ett öppet forum. En moderator kan lika gärna ha läst det själv... behöver ju nödvändigtvis inte vara någon som rapporterade? Tror det är väldigt många från howrse hittar hit och bara läser. Så vi bör nog tänka efter lite innan vi skriver saker här.

Det stod t.o.m. öppet på min howrse-press ett tag att jag sålde pass för pengar, så jag var absolut inte oskyldig. Tycker dock fortfarande att de kunde nöjt sig med kompensation och nån veckas avstängning :angel:

Tråkigt om vi måste censurera oss här :(
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6


thanks for the reasonable words. I never said anyone was jealous of me, how copuld I presume such a thing? If you want to report me fine, I never said anything against that either. I have nothing to hide, neither has my friend. It's your right as well as it's howrse's right too.

I never complained about that. I was just taken aback how a player can be so nice in PMs and then accuse me of such things in a public manner. Is it everybody else's business? Just report it, talk to your friends about it and get over it. If I have done anything wrong, howrse will find out, no need discussing it with people who are not involved and don't understand the half of it.

I came here because I want to play slow and with nice people. I've had had enough talk behind my back on the german server. I just wanted to play for myself, have a nice time. My best friend joined me and we breeded. The amount we breed is hardly anything compared to what big breeding groups produce in a day. I said I was able to blup a horse in 13 minutes, yes, but I haven't done it here. I haven't looked at my clock but I think it takes about 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes I don't do anything else. I don't reply messages, don't talk on the phone etc.

The 1000 horses rule applies to all servers. After the thousandth horse the can be no more aging points be found. They are the reason I take care of so many horses. They preserve me from spending real money.
Before this rule came into action, it was normal for most players to take care of over 6000 and more horses. But now there is just no point to doing more.

I have never cheated and I never will, believe me or not, I really don't care. I just didn't want my voice to be unheard. I don't know when you sent the report, so I don't know when you will see that I am as clean as a white piece of sheet. I don't like cheating players either, I have put enough money, effort and time in my account. thats why I am up so high in the rankings.

As for taking over the Lusitanos. When you sell high gp horses openly you should be aware that someone might be a breeder as good as yourself. They are doing it even now. Raising the market for Lusitanos 15 GP a day (at least that was how much it was raised yesterday). Is it any wonder if they let other people come so close?

And no, Skype doesn't count as a script, neither does any microsoft office program nor my iTunes player
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Vad jag vet så har alla ponnierna placerat sig bland de 10 bästa, många som 2 ochwelsh som etta.
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Jag bad en av mina vänner som ej spelar så ofta fråga om hon fick ge bort sitt konto:
Fråga om kontot
Jag är inte så aktiv i spelet, men har ju använt lite pengar på det. Kontot är litet men jag undrar ändå om jag får ge bort kontot till någon, absolut helt gratis, men att vederbörande byter till sin email sitt lösenord och jag ej har access till det igen.
Vänligaste hälsningar
Detta svaret fick hon:
Tyvärr är det emot howrse regler att ge bort sitt konto, oavsett om man fortsätter ha tillgång till det eller inte. Ett konto per person och bara en person på ett konto är regeln. Vidare kan det anses vara fusk att en annan person får ditt konto med alla dina föremål, tjänsgöringsdagar osv. osv. Vi hoppas att ni finner en annan lösning för att inte låta det du lagt ner på kontot gå till spillo.

Så jag kan bara tolka det på ett sätt, tyvärr!
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

När jag fortfarande satsade på GP så hade jag en welsh som vann galoppen :) Det är väl welsharna och ev. fjordingarna som har en chans.
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Ja och att de faktiskt säger att reglerna är tydliga. Jag har läst både svenska och tyska reglerna och det står så där också.
Så du ska vara mycket lycklig för ditt svar från supporten och håll hårt i det så du har beviset kvar.
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Här är en som just börjat spela :rofl:
Måste bara fråga, frizonen, vart hittar man den?
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Han kanske har fått maxranson? För när jag går in på honom finns inte den där "ge äpple"-symbolen
Sv: Stora Howrsetråden nr 6

Tack ni som (har kunnat) skicka! Han har fått 7 äpplen och det låter ju som en märklig begränsning, borde väl vara 5 el 10 isf. Du kanske har slut på äpplen Mirtai? :)

Nu ska han nog gå plus till imorgon i alla fall. :bow:
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