Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Ivory was up for approval in february but didn't pass the test.
Maybe the owners will try again but that isn't something we know.
Try to reach the owners!
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

I don´t know about Ivory but I dont think that he was even close to get approved 2012. I didnt like Ivorys type at all. In my opinion Ravell has a better type ( and I think that Ravell has "lovehandles" Without them he would be a bit more modern ;))

If I had a mare that suited them both, I would choose Ravell. I think that he represents one of the best swedish motherlines.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?


Regarding Ivory:

If I don't remember wrong, he completed his stallion performance test in 2012, meaning he made it to the second phase of the test. The stallions that are too far from approval is recomended not to continue after half the test, and since Ivory made to the second half there must have been something the breeding comittee liked about him.

However, I agree that his type is not ideal, short frontlegs and a bit lack of character. Really nice movements though it was a bit hard to see, and my personal opinion is that his training before the test and also the presenting during the test could have been a lot better.

Now after the test he has a new rider and won a qualification to our 4-yearold championships. He there scored 88,4%

9.2 for trot
8.5 for walk
9.5 for canter
8.0 for sub...
9.0 for general impression

Sadly he didn't start in the finals, so I haven't actually seen him since the stallion test. I hope he comes back and has evolved as much as his scores from the qualification suggests!

He as well comes from a very strong damline, same as Grand Prix stallions Master and Tip-Top.

With all that said, I think that Ravell is a great stallion and probably the better choice, but I don't have much to add about him that hasn't already been said.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Så han kom till andra det var iallfall bra!
Håller med om att han har trevlig gång och de siffrorna såg mkt fina ut:)

Vi får se, kanske han kommer tillbaka som prestationshingst.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

He did not complete the test, I was in the audience. He stopped during riding when he started to bleed from his mouth.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

I was there too. I know know he started bleeding during the first riding test, he went out but then came back again later to complete the test.

Or did something happend in the second phase too? I don't remember exactly what happened but I'm sure at least that he made it to the test-riders.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Yes he did, after the test riders if I remember right. Ameo was sitting next to me, maybe she remember more details than me.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Didnt Waldhof own a yellow born 2011? Goldstein? Wasent "SWB" in here the breeder of him? I may remember wrong as well..
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

You shouldn't hope for Ivory as a licensed stallion, his frontlegs are to short. It doesn't matter how beautiful his colour is or how well he moves, he hasn't a future as a stallion with those legs. I had high hopes before I saw him but when I did that I realised that he wasn't stallion material.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Didnt Waldhof own a yellow born 2011? Goldstein? Wasent "SWB" in here the breeder of him? I may remember wrong as well..

Yes, this is correct.
Goldstein was born in 2011 and his breeder Marika Jonsson sold him to Waldhof.
Goldstein is a Buckskin by Sir Oldenburg x Bernstein

Could be also a future stallion prospect.
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

I don't know if this is relevant for your decision, but I've worked with Ravell, and I can tell you that he is one of the sweetest stallions I've worked with! He is easy to handle and a really sweet horse to be around! Not sure if this affects his offsprings, but at least it's something positive to bear in mind :) And the people behind Team Piaff are really sweet and easy to deal with as well :)
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

My mare was inseminated by Ravell yesterday and in 18 days, I know if I may look forward to a foal.

Will keep you informed :)
Sv: Gulanlag hos Ravell?

Även jag har roat mig!
Läääängst bak i Ravellis hingstlinje fann jag detta sto:

Betty Leedes

Hon och anfäderna återfinns även på flera ställen i Ravellis stamtavla. Det diskuterades väldeliga om det verkligen stämde att de var palominos, vissa sa att det var ljusa 'flaxen' fuxar. Men det står ivf palomino fortfarande. Intressant!!!


För er som vill läsa mer om gulanlaget hos fullbloden kan ni läsa här:

Betty Leeds är linjeavlad på Darcys Yellow Turk, en mycket inflytelserik hingst som troligen var gul och som fått sina gula gener från inhemska hästar (då den färgen inte förekommer hos araben) som ni kan läsa om här:

"Given that people were familiar with the term "gold," the use of "yellow" in his name invites speculation. The term "dun" was used to refer to buckskin, and possibly palomino. The dilute (or cream) gene may be expressed as either buckskin or palomino and may hide behind black and grey. Although the dilute gene had always been available in the thoroughbred gene pool, as racehorse portraits of this era clearly show, names had not yet been invented to cover the range of the colours expressed.

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