Sv: Förälders negativa inställning till western
Man it is cold out there.
Syl, I´m going too tell this story in english, Lucky can tag along, and you two can translate if you want.
I had a wanna-bee western friend come up for some riding, she wanted too try a "western trained horse"?
"well, if you mean a one hand rein horse...OK"
Knowing she has been riding for a few of the hot dog western trainers doing the ol 2-hand thing I made it a point,
"you caint use two hands on this guy like they been teaching you, he´s sensetive and if you confuse him with something he´s not use too he´s going too get nervous"!
I tied the reins in a knot so that she had the right lenght and showed her the simple basic 1-hand joy-stick reining, "kinda like flying a plan, foward...let off on the rein, move your hand too the left too go left and right too go right and you brake pull into your belly, your leg cues are the much the same as your english so you should be ok.......allright..let´s go".
After 10 minutes she was reining around trees, doing roll backs, couldn´t get enough, with a smile that went from ear too ear

, good thing she had ears or the top of her head would have come off

And she keep saying "so this is how it is! why didn´t those others teach me, this is how I want too ride, now I feel This Is Western Riding"

I say´s "you´v never had the chance too ride this kind of a horse, those trainers don´t loan out their top horses so you can get the feel of it". I guess you can call it western riding, I don´t really think about, it´s the way you have to ride in order too do the ranch or trail work that is at hand."
She asked me about the show riders and I did my best too explain:
"The two hand stuff you see and they teach is something that has come out of the english school, english is The Proper Form for gathering the horse, the motions are calculated, you are thinking all the time of what you are asking of the horse. In the riding I grew up with you don´t think so much about signaling the horse want your horse too do, it´s kinda like you and your horse are thinking the same thing, cut out that steer, or we need too be on the left hind of that steer to rope, a flow of motion. With the two handed stearing you find yourself after your horse, you see this at the shows, a horse rolls back in the reining pattern the two handed ride almost falls out of the saddle, he/she´s not in balance for the quick movements, their a second after the horse.
Look at the bronk and bull riders from the rodeos, they hold on with one hand, the other is used to keep upper body balance."
After a day of riding she say´s,
"I´v learn more in ten minutes here than what I´v gotten in two years with all those other trainers".
"Happy you learned something, now use it".