Sv: Aston och Racing Ace xx
Aston blev första danska hingst godkänd i KWPN (1918) och godkänd i Oldenburgförbundet -99
Efter bedömning av 22 föl från 3 årgångar har följande omdöme getts
Aston DVH 668 - foal characteristics
The foals are of an adequate size. The quality range from good to very good, and they all show a nice expression. The neck is well set and well shaped, a few with a short nape of the neck. Good shoulder and wither. Good overall line, a few though with a long and tight loin. Well formed croup. Legs matured with well shaped joints. The movement is good in the walking pace, average in th trot and very good in the gallop. The stallion has been used on heterogeneous mare material but marks his progeny positively concerning quality, legs and muscular hind quarters. The stallion is best suited to be used on noble mares. The above characteristics have been based on a selection of 22 foals, from 3 different age groups.
Han rekommenderas till ädla högställda ston trots att han själv mäter 174.
Har stått/står på Stall Birkelund i Danmark.