G'morning *yaaawwwwnnn* from a very humid and wet Florida. We've gone from a lovely winter weather in February to full summer rainstorms and humidity in less than a week. sigh. Oh well, we'll leave in a week so we better make the best of the days we have left here.
Today we're going to Blue Springs to see if there are any Manatees (sea cows) still in the warm spring or if they've all moved out to the sea again. On the way there we'll have breakfast at the Pancake House in Deleon Springs, I'm sure we'll get a fun Saturday with family.
Today we're going to Blue Springs to see if there are any Manatees (sea cows) still in the warm spring or if they've all moved out to the sea again. On the way there we'll have breakfast at the Pancake House in Deleon Springs, I'm sure we'll get a fun Saturday with family.