Rodeo Fevor

Sv: Rodeo Fevor

Nice ride!! ^^

..and people say the kids of today aren't active enough ;) Talanted kid, if he keeps it up he'll be one interestin rider to keep an eye out for im sure!
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

this lil girl is pretty neat too!

Bullridings have started, Teagan got hung up n beat up the other night. Nothing too bad, bruised n bleedin n some muscles that aint feelin too darn good tho lol. Cutting circuit is gettin up n running (gonna be some in my area this year YEEEAH! atleast gonna go watch) few babies on the ground yet... some have started calvin out but most ppl wait here - specially since so many lost calves last year in a late snowstorm from hell. Might be a slow year for the custom cowboyin that way, it'll be buzy as heck here tho. 500 heads to the ranch, 100 to us n i think 300-400 sumtin to fatherinlaw. Tbh i aint too sure how much time we'll have to run n do cowboyin for other people this year, gonna get som colts in for breakin on top of the ones we allready have, and buildin this friggin yard.. and customers are startin to roll in for lessons n stuff, so we'll see. Hopin to hit one or two brandins anyway, gotta have some sort of a social life too LOL was hopin to be able to atleast go show in some of the ranch horse shows but i think i can kiss that good bye.
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

Ya them younges are something :D
Ya can tell Teagen "you hang out with Mexicans ya gonna eat beans, ya play with them bull´s ya gonna get busted up and ya ride them bronks ya gonna take a fall"
I haven´t met a good cowboy yet who didn´t have a few battle scares :devil:

Didn´t know you had a freak winter, though no surprise as the family said they had snow west of the Pacific Range and the Swedish winter here so mild.

So you all looking at a 1000 head, should keep you buisy.
Here´s something for you and all, (kinda makes me home sick)

Hope you get them colt´s ready.
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

winter here this year have been odd.. hardly any snow but fog n ice n crap. They just bred late last year.. u know'em ranchers... "preventing the disaster last year by doin diff this year". to be honest, hubby n me are gonna get our asses worked off this summer. 500 head on 2 persons and everything else goin on im startin to doubt that we'll be able to sleep.

Teagan knows he gets his butt handed to him once in a while, it's all part of the deal. He's one of'em guys that ride better the trickier the bull is. Like all young men - its prolly an issue with focus lol Rly good kid tho!

Im gettin worried the colts will suffer from "bakers kids never eat bred" syndrome :rofl:

and aaaawh you made me wish for summer now!! Meanie!

Heard one of gramps mares squeeeeeeel last night, springs well on her way! :rofl:
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

winter here this year have been odd.. hardly any snow but fog n ice n crap. They just bred late last year.. u know'em ranchers... "preventing the disaster last year by doin diff this year". to be honest, hubby n me are gonna get our asses worked off this summer. 500 head on 2 persons and everything else goin on im startin to doubt that we'll be able to sleep.

Teagan knows he gets his butt handed to him once in a while, it's all part of the deal.
He's one of'em guys that ride better the trickier the bull is. Like all young men - its prolly an issue with focus lol Rly good kid tho!

Im gettin worried the colts will suffer from "bakers kids never eat bred" syndrome :rofl:

and aaaawh you made me wish for summer now!! Meanie!

Heard one of gramps mares squeeeeeeel last night, springs well on her way! :rofl:

An old Emmy Lou Harris song but I think Rodney Crowell´s video tell´s it pretty good:
She´ll raise hell about the sleep she lost,
Even cowgirls get the blues :cry:

Bakers kid´s...haven´t heard that in a loooong time :rofl:
Kinda like "skomakers barn hade sämsta sko i dom hade non sko alls"
Now I¨m feeling kind bad, more saddle time....gona have too shoe the dern horses, back hurts just thinking about it :crazy:

Yep, spring is in the air, birds singing, Ami shedding, ears Amigo the ol Granny Eye, being a real bitch :mad:
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

3 more 3 yos for breakin... i need spring now so we can start buildin! I just aint cowgirl nuff to jump on a greenie in an open field the first times, i like my fences lol but MAN am i EVER exited! Im proud n happy that they wanna bring their horses to us ^^ ...imma be one sore gal this spring. Atleast these 3 are halterbroke, lol.

Hahahahahaha "she'll raise hell!" You should hear me workin with'em grumpy cows... it can get pretty colourfull! After 6 hours in this prairiesun, anything ladylike with me is outta the window big time LOL

Im hopin we wont hafta shoe anything this year... we dont have good luck with'em shoes. :/ rather use the goofy barefoot boots, they work great acctually. Last time anything got shoed here it was Yeller n he lost his shoe within a week (...we didnt do the shoein, the pro farrier did... mabbe next time ill just do it)

Our boys are wakin up in the pasture, Baby seems clueless spring's on its way, Red still hasnt realized hes a stud and omg they're all fatfatfatFAT! And furry. Dog's are shedding like crazy too. And, surprise, we have a lake in the yard LOL if i ever decide to grow veggies i know exactly where to put the garden.
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

You and Tas might take them ponnying a few times, good way too get them going.
Great if you don´t have too shoe the horses, Ami can get by but I put miles on Amigo, the hard ground is rough on his feet.

Cowboys ain´t got much use for a city lady when it comes too branding time:
This ranch mom tells it like it is, do you have one of them thar head catchers shes a talking about??
Sv: Rodeo Fevor

Yeah, we call'em "deadmen", works good and saves the wrestlers from gettin too beat up... the calfs we brand are waaaaay bigger tho LOL a handfull of tinies, but most of them are pretty darn chunky.

Ill reply to the pm later, gotta be a good wifie n make some dinner ( starvin and Mr Bewildered is eatin chips)

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