Working as a riding instructor in Sweden?...

Sv: Working as a riding instructor in Sweden?...

the best tack shop i know, is bengts hästsport in veberöd. about 30 min from lund(drive towards dalby, and continue to veberöd, take the second veberöd exit on your right hand, and it´s the first building on your right ^_^ )
they have many popular brands like, antares, dyon, kingsland, ariat, equiline and so on. there are some tack shops in flyinge also that are great.
Sv: Working as a riding instructor in Sweden?...

the best tack shop i know, is bengts hästsport in veberöd. about 30 min from lund(drive towards dalby, and continue to veberöd, take the second veberöd exit on your right hand, and it´s the first building on your right ^_^ )
they have many popular brands like, antares, dyon, kingsland, ariat, equiline and so on. there are some tack shops in flyinge also that are great.

Thank you ! Will have to try and find it.
Sv: Working as a riding instructor in Sweden?...

the best tack shop i know, is bengts hästsport in veberöd. about 30 min from lund(drive towards dalby, and continue to veberöd, take the second veberöd exit on your right hand, and it´s the first building on your right ^_^ )
they have many popular brands like, antares, dyon, kingsland, ariat, equiline and so on. there are some tack shops in flyinge also that are great.

The must expensive shop in this part of Skåne so can´t agree with you everything is higher priced then anywere else nomatter if it is equipment or food.
Sv: Working as a riding instructor in Sweden?...

Thanks for this information! What are the reasonable priced tack shops around here then? I've been to one in Flädie so far.

Another offtopic question would be - can anyone give me an exact address in Flyinge to where the Swedish Warmblood stallion performance tests are going to take place? I couldn't really find it on their website :o

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