VI har inte nagra problem med lupiner har heller, men ibland ser man nagra valartade i en tradgard. (eller sa ar det buddleja

) . Sa, nu var jag tvungen att kolla. Det ar bara "butterfly bush" (Buddleja davidii) som ar ett problem, inte annan Buddleja. Sa har sager Oregon State University:
"Butterfly bush is extremely invasive in natural areas. There are serious infestations on the North Fork of the Willamette River near Oakridge and along the Coquille River near the coast. It has spread to most of the counties in western Oregon and Washington. It has been a huge problem in England, where it is one of the top 20 weeds, having overtaken large tracts of disturbed land 50 years after it was introduced from China. It is a terrible problem in New Zealand as well, especially in areas prone to frequent flooding.
In reviewing the scientific literature about the invasiveness of butterfly bush in the United Kingdom, the OSU researchers found that seed there requires a long time to develop and release from the plant. British researchers have discovered that flower heads from a previous summer do not release seed until dry weather occurs the following spring, said Altland. Practically applied, this means that if nurseries and home gardeners prune all the spent blooms off their butterfly bushes in the fall, it is a way of controlling the release of seed from the plant."