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..så har jag nog hittat mina drömmars häst! :love:

En holländare efter Immigrant (stavning?) och Waterman (stavning där också!?).. Hittar inget alls om dessa hästar på nätet, och får jag ngn träff så står det inget som jag förstår i alla fall.

Vet ni NÅGOT om dessa hästar? :banana:
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The progeny of the "keur, preferent" stallion Waterman prove that he rightfully won several championships himself. He reproduces his ability on the competition field, on the showground and at the stallion selections.

Many offspring of Waterman are successful on the competition field and find themselves in the top position in the showring.

Waterman is a 'stamping stallion' both in the breeding and in the sport. Several of his offspring have claimed the championship.

A few famous offspring of Waterman are:- Handro, Glamoer and Adrastos. Champion mares in harness and in hand are:- Erina, Desiree, Ernastraum and Elanda.

Waterman stands at the top of the index with 169 points (84% reliability).

Waterman was declared 'preferent' in 1999.

Waterman died in 2003

Only frozen semen is available.

Hälsningar Clownen

Han är en en tujigpaarden...
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clownen skrev:
The progeny of the "keur, preferent" stallion Waterman prove that he rightfully won several championships himself. He reproduces his ability on the competition field, on the showground and at the stallion selections.

Many offspring of Waterman are successful on the competition field and find themselves in the top position in the showring.

Waterman is a 'stamping stallion' both in the breeding and in the sport. Several of his offspring have claimed the championship.

A few famous offspring of Waterman are:- Handro, Glamoer and Adrastos. Champion mares in harness and in hand are:- Erina, Desiree, Ernastraum and Elanda.

Waterman stands at the top of the index with 169 points (84% reliability).

Waterman was declared 'preferent' in 1999.

Waterman died in 2003

Only frozen semen is available.

Hälsningar Clownen

Han är en en tujigpaarden...
en vaddå??? :confused:
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Han är en en tujigpaarden...

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peråke skrev:
Han är en en tujigpaarden...


Åhå, han blev inkörd i Holland, och flyttade till sverige när han var 3. Nu går han under benämningen dressyrhäst :) .

Fråga till den som vet:
Vad skvallrar stammen mer om? Endast körhästar eller?
Senast ändrad:
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Det är nog den amerikanska.... Den andre måste bli för gammal?
Det finns en hingst med samma hingstlinjer som din, det har du kanske sett?
Så beroende på vad du har i stolinjen bakom Waterman, så har du saddlebred, hackney och ett stänk gelderland i din drömpålle!

MAJESTEIT is the result of breeding for ideal show horse characteristics and outcross blood so as to improve future generations.

Majesteit’s pedigree contains the finest show horse blood in the world; a blend of World's Champion American Saddlebred characteristics with outstanding Dutch Harness and Hackney Horse lineage. His genetic make up consists of champion stock, proven for generations in the United States and Europe. Majesteit's extravagant motion, beauty, attitude and exceptional quality make him impressive and unique. His majestic heritage and pedigree affirm his influence as a sire. His transmissible soundness, size, elegance, gameness and natural ability are apparent in his get.

Majesteit's sire, Immigrant, was bred by the renowned Callaway Hills and originally registered in the United States as Callaway's Mardi Gras before his exportation to The Netherlands. Immigrant's sire, WC and WC sire Harlem Globetrotter not only heads the famed breeding program at Kalarama Farm, but is also the leading sire of Three-Gaited and Fine Harness ASB World Champions.

Immigrant's dam, Callaway's Confetti, is a Three-Gaited World Champion and a three-quarter sister to WC and WC sire, Callaway's Blue Norther. The blood of Confetti's sire, WGC and legendary WC progenitor, CH Will Shriver, and her dam, Excitingly Royal by Royal Rambler, has been the foundation for many of Callaway Hill's celebrated show and breeding horses.

Majesteit's dam, Henriette (Keur), is a daughter of Waterman (Preferent), the number one Dutch Harness Horse sire for many years. Waterman's sire line traces directly to the finest DHH foundation breeding and Hackney horse imports. Henriette (Keur) is a full sister to Desiree (Keur Sport), who is also the dam of an approved breeding stallion, and one of the best show mares of The Netherlands His second dam, Torette (Keur Preferent Sport) was an exceptional show mare, as indicated by her rare predicate titles. Torette (Keur Preferent Sport), who was also widely respected as the dam of show and breeding horses, provides a second important cross to some of the best DHH foundation sires, Hoogheid (Preferent), who was by Oregon (Preferent) and Gloriant (Preferent).

Majesteit’s individual excellence and depth of quality resulted in his earning Dutch Harness Horse Approved Breeding Stallion status in 1997. After advancing through selection inspections, x-rays and semen evaluation, Majesteit was invited to enter the 70 Day Central Test. Upon satisfying all strict approval requirements, the Central Test, judges comments describe his "beauty, size, long neck, strong hocks, upright carriage and high front action. The black pearl's expression, motion and will to perform make him a real show horse!"
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hoppsann skrev:
Det är nog den amerikanska.... Den andre måste bli för gammal?
Det finns en hingst med samma hingstlinjer som din, det har du kanske sett?
Så beroende på vad du har i stolinjen bakom Waterman, så har du saddlebred, hackney och ett stänk gelderland i din drömpålle!

MAJESTEIT is the result of breeding for ideal show horse characteristics and outcross blood so as to improve future generations.

Majesteit’s pedigree contains the finest show horse blood in the world; a blend of World's Champion American Saddlebred characteristics with outstanding Dutch Harness and Hackney Horse lineage. His genetic make up consists of champion stock, proven for generations in the United States and Europe. Majesteit's extravagant motion, beauty, attitude and exceptional quality make him impressive and unique. His majestic heritage and pedigree affirm his influence as a sire. His transmissible soundness, size, elegance, gameness and natural ability are apparent in his get.

Majesteit's sire, Immigrant, was bred by the renowned Callaway Hills and originally registered in the United States as Callaway's Mardi Gras before his exportation to The Netherlands. Immigrant's sire, WC and WC sire Harlem Globetrotter not only heads the famed breeding program at Kalarama Farm, but is also the leading sire of Three-Gaited and Fine Harness ASB World Champions.

Immigrant's dam, Callaway's Confetti, is a Three-Gaited World Champion and a three-quarter sister to WC and WC sire, Callaway's Blue Norther. The blood of Confetti's sire, WGC and legendary WC progenitor, CH Will Shriver, and her dam, Excitingly Royal by Royal Rambler, has been the foundation for many of Callaway Hill's celebrated show and breeding horses.

Majesteit's dam, Henriette (Keur), is a daughter of Waterman (Preferent), the number one Dutch Harness Horse sire for many years. Waterman's sire line traces directly to the finest DHH foundation breeding and Hackney horse imports. Henriette (Keur) is a full sister to Desiree (Keur Sport), who is also the dam of an approved breeding stallion, and one of the best show mares of The Netherlands His second dam, Torette (Keur Preferent Sport) was an exceptional show mare, as indicated by her rare predicate titles. Torette (Keur Preferent Sport), who was also widely respected as the dam of show and breeding horses, provides a second important cross to some of the best DHH foundation sires, Hoogheid (Preferent), who was by Oregon (Preferent) and Gloriant (Preferent).

Majesteit’s individual excellence and depth of quality resulted in his earning Dutch Harness Horse Approved Breeding Stallion status in 1997. After advancing through selection inspections, x-rays and semen evaluation, Majesteit was invited to enter the 70 Day Central Test. Upon satisfying all strict approval requirements, the Central Test, judges comments describe his "beauty, size, long neck, strong hocks, upright carriage and high front action. The black pearl's expression, motion and will to perform make him a real show horse!"

Ja, jag såg det! Inte helt fel! Det måste väl vara en helbror iom att han har samma far och morfar?!! :)
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Om de är helbröder, beror ju på om din hästs mamma heter Henriette.
Annars är de bara närbesläktade.
Mix på raser..
Körhästarna får ju ha hackney i sig, och en och annan jänkare. Gelderlandbasen funkar ju dessutom bra i det mesta.
Det primära på dessa hästar skall ju, förutom dess köregenskaper, med tillhörande rörelsemönster, vara ett mkt gott temperament.
Lycka till
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hoppsann skrev:
Om de är helbröder, beror ju på om din hästs mamma heter Henriette.
Annars är de bara närbesläktade.
Mix på raser..
Körhästarna får ju ha hackney i sig, och en och annan jänkare. Gelderlandbasen funkar ju dessutom bra i det mesta.
Det primära på dessa hästar skall ju, förutom dess köregenskaper, med tillhörande rörelsemönster, vara ett mkt gott temperament.
Lycka till

Äh, jag har nog tagit fel, för det ska enl ägaren vara på en sida dressyrstam i alla fall.. Blir det köp kommer det att visa sig, jag tycker inte att det spelar sån stor roll iom att det är en vallack! Men nyfiken är jag!!! :)
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Hello, I was surfing on the internet looking for sites about dutch harness horses and I noticed that you were "talking" about Waterman, Majesteit and Immigrant. These names are very well-known to me. I didn't understand exactly where you were talking about, because I don't speak Swedish (I am from Holland). Maybe someone will explain the things you were talking about. I can give you more information about the dutch harness horse, if that's what you want.

Greetings, Rosan
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The Nick Malinsky says she found the horse of her dreams...It was a dutch horse sired by Immigrant and Waterman. Malinsky also says that she/he can´t find anything about this two horses on the net. The question was if anyone knowed anything about the horses Immigrant and Waterman.

Mostly welcome to the Swedish Forum Bukefalos...

By the way : do you know which stud in Holland I have to contact if I wan´t to have seamen from The stallion Lingh :confused:...Have to ask when it is Dutch people around ;)

Regards Helen
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Rosan skrev:
Hello, I was surfing on the internet looking for sites about dutch harness horses and I noticed that you were "talking" about Waterman, Majesteit and Immigrant. These names are very well-known to me. I didn't understand exactly where you were talking about, because I don't speak Swedish (I am from Holland). Maybe someone will explain the things you were talking about. I can give you more information about the dutch harness horse, if that's what you want.

Greetings, Rosan


Please e-mail me: :banana:


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