Jag känner att du kanske bör skaffa lite allmän kunskap annat än just att tro /tolka Kellon eller vem det må vara som exempel, som du utrycker din tro här .
Varför känner du det? Jag kan väl få skicka vidare sådant jag läst från en väldigt framstående veterinär och forskare på hästars näringsbehov? Saxat från https://drkhorsesense.wordpress.com/ (alla kan ju gå in där och läsa och tolka själva om jag tolkar fel vilket givetvis är möjligt):
Tendons and ligaments are a specialized form of connective tissue, the most abundant tissue type in the body which also accounts for over 50% of the body’s protein yet little attention is paid to the role of nutrition. Lysine is the major essential amino acid in connective tissue, as well as its derivative hydroxylysine. Vitamin C is required for that conversion. Copper, a very common deficiency, is needed for the formation of strong reinforcing cross-links in the structure of tendons and ligaments. Although its exact role is unclear, magnesium is important to integrity of these tissues. Use of the quinolone antibiotics which can tie up magnesium is associated with side effects of tendon/ligament damage that can be prevented with magnesium.
Necessity of vitamin C supplementation is questionable since the horse can manufacture vitamin C but making sure lysine, magnesium and copper are adequately supplemented is simply common sense and important to these horses. Couple with some simple management adjustments and you will maximize the chance of enjoying an athletic partnership with the horse.