Läste en artikel och såg då detta. Finns det någon mer som över huvud taget hört talas om detta? Jag känner jag inte har en i närheten av kunskap att ens veta om detta är en “internet myt” eller om det faktiskt finns någon liten sanning i det.
Heart disease has nothing to do with cholesterol and fats but everything to do with inflammation, and that was where Hollis started his research more than 40 years ago. The "winning" diet/heart theory is, in fact, the meshing of two theories: that IDL. cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, or thickening of the arteries, and that LDL buildup is caused byeating a diet rich in saturated fats.
The way histamine reacts depends on the receptors it binds to. For Hollis, H1 and H2 receptors were the interesting ones as they are responsible for expandingblood vessels and regulating hypotension (low blood pressure), heart rate and vascular permeability (the ease with which molecules flow through the artery walls).
Although all four types of histamine receptorsare in the heart, only H1 and H2 are found in heart muscle cells, which are responsible for heart contractions.
Pepcid is a 'histamine H2 receptor antagonist,' which means it blocks the buildup of histamine in the stomach-and also in the heart.
Histamine may have more to do with cardiovascular disease than cholesterol or saturated fats— and an over-the-counter antihistamine could do you more good than a statin.
JAm Coll Cardiol, 2006;48(7): 1378-84
AnnAm Thorac Soc, 2014; 11(9): 1379-86
Am JRespir Crit Care Med, 2018; 197(12): 1638-41
JAm Heart Assoc, 2017; doi: 10.1161/JAHA. 116.005333
BMJ Open, 2016; 6(6): e010401
Alzheimers Dement, 2018; 14(7): 952-60
AmJ Clin Nutr, 2004; 80(5): 1175-84
AmJ Clin Nutr, 2016;103(3): 895-901
BJ, 2015;351:h3978
New EnglJ Med, 2017;377(12): 7119-31
BrJ Sports Med, 2017;51(15): 1111-12
Heart disease has nothing to do with cholesterol and fats but everything to do with inflammation, and that was where Hollis started his research more than 40 years ago. The "winning" diet/heart theory is, in fact, the meshing of two theories: that IDL. cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, or thickening of the arteries, and that LDL buildup is caused byeating a diet rich in saturated fats.
The way histamine reacts depends on the receptors it binds to. For Hollis, H1 and H2 receptors were the interesting ones as they are responsible for expandingblood vessels and regulating hypotension (low blood pressure), heart rate and vascular permeability (the ease with which molecules flow through the artery walls).
Although all four types of histamine receptorsare in the heart, only H1 and H2 are found in heart muscle cells, which are responsible for heart contractions.
Pepcid is a 'histamine H2 receptor antagonist,' which means it blocks the buildup of histamine in the stomach-and also in the heart.
Histamine may have more to do with cardiovascular disease than cholesterol or saturated fats— and an over-the-counter antihistamine could do you more good than a statin.
JAm Coll Cardiol, 2006;48(7): 1378-84
AnnAm Thorac Soc, 2014; 11(9): 1379-86
Am JRespir Crit Care Med, 2018; 197(12): 1638-41
JAm Heart Assoc, 2017; doi: 10.1161/JAHA. 116.005333
BMJ Open, 2016; 6(6): e010401
Alzheimers Dement, 2018; 14(7): 952-60
AmJ Clin Nutr, 2004; 80(5): 1175-84
AmJ Clin Nutr, 2016;103(3): 895-901
BJ, 2015;351:h3978
New EnglJ Med, 2017;377(12): 7119-31
BrJ Sports Med, 2017;51(15): 1111-12