Sv: Godkända bett i AQHA Hunter
Dom enda jag kan i huvudet är:
*Jakt kandar/ Kimblewick
Men jag vet inte om dom får vara tre delade???
Kopiarer rakt av från sidan...
(a) In all English classes, an English snaffle (no shank), kimberwick,
pelham and/or full bridle (with two reins), all with cavesson
nosebands and plain leather brow bands must be used.
(b) In reference to mouthpieces, nothing may protrude below
the mouthpiece (bar). Solid and broken mouthpieces must be
between 5/16” to 3/4” (8 mm to 20 mm) in diameter, measured 1” (25
mm) from the cheek and may have a port no higher than 1 1/2” (40
mm). They may be inlaid, synthetic wrapped, including rubber or
plastic or incased, but must be smooth. On broken mouthpieces only,
connecting rings of 1 1/4” (32 mm) or less in diameter or connecting
flat bar of 3/8” to 3/4” (10 mm to 20 mm) measured top to bottom
with a maximum length of 2” (50 mm), which lie flat in the horse’s
mouth, are acceptable. Snaffle bit rings may be no larger than 4” (100
mm) in diameter. Any bit having a fixed rein requires use of a curb
chain. Smooth round, oval or egg-shaped, slow twist, corkscrew, single
twisted wire, double twisted wire mouthpieces and straight bar or solid
mouthpieces are allowed.
(c) In the jumping class only, mechanical hackamores may be
(d) Bits of any style (pelham, snaffle, kimberwick) featuring
mouthpieces with cathedrals, donuts, prongs, edges or rough,
sharp material shall be cause for elimination. Square stock, metal
wrapped or polo bits shall be cause for elimination. If a curb bit is
used, the chain must be at least 1/2” (15 mm) in width and lie flat
against the jaw of the horse.