F ö här är en artikel som jag hittade på en diskussionsforum, där man diskuterar just det skribenten tar upp. Vet inte hur kunnig denna person är men h*n verkar veta en del tycker jag. OBS h*n skriver om amerikanska förhållanden. (Fetstilen har jag lagt dit.)
"The trend for breeders and owners seems to be speed, speed,& more speed. They seem to want a YOUNG horse that has brilliant speed- so they bred for it. They want results and wins now not later. They aren't breeding for a "stayer" horse- a horse that can race until it's 5-10 years old like they used too.
The breeders don't necessarily take into account that the stallion or mare who retired unsound. They spent the money to fix the horse but it seems the latest progeny are more fine boned than in past generations and more suseptible to injury. I think weakened breeding lines greatly contribute to bone weakness in the modern thoroughbred.
Stallions also "cover" many more mares than they did generations ago. Average 100+ per stallion- per breeding season. The breeders demand x amount of dollars to breed to a stallion because of his race record AND his family tree.
I don't think horses today are "coddled" which makes them weaker boned. I do think they are confined to a stall much more than they should be. Horses are roaming & social animals. I think horses should be allowed to run in a pasture, roll, and run around and just be horses- especially young horses. I think exercise in a natural environment- on grass would improve the bone density of young horses and make them strong. As for older horses they should be "turned out" too. To keep their fitness and mental happiness.
If breeders breed for speed only, it's no wonder horses are thin boned than in the past."
OBS jag säger inte att detta är en korrekt uppfattning. Jag konstaterar bara att den finns.