Var anmæla nigeriabrev?


Har fått detta på min inofficiella mejl :confused: hur personen nu har fått tag på det. Vart anmæler man fanskapet?
Mvh Spirit som INTE går på den bluffen!!

Någon som har førslag på ett kul svar att skicka till han? :devil:

FROM:Mr Don Brown.
Audit and Accounting Office
Bank of Africa - B?n: Avenue
Jean-Paul II, 08 BP 0879 - Cotonou

Tel+22997-720 049)

Calvary Greetings.

I am Mr.Don Brown Audit Manager Bank of Africa Benin. in the capital city
cotonou Benin republic, and assittance This is a very confidential
for you. On April 21st 1999, A Swedish Oil consultant/contractor with the
Benenoise Solid Minerals Corporation, Mr.Soren Andersson made a numbered
(Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$8,000,000.00
Million Dollars only)in my branch.

Upon maturity on November 20th 2003 as his Credit Officer, I sent a routine
notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we
a reminder and finally i discovered from his contract employers, the
Solid Minerals Corporation that Mr.Soren Anderson died on auto
accident with his entire family.

Further investigations,and all attempts to trace his next of kin was

Again,I made further investigation and discovered that Mr.Soren Andersson
not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including
Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank.

This sum of US$8,000,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank No one will ever
forward to claim it.According to the International Banking ethics,codesand
Laws, at the expiration of 7(Two) years, the money will revert to the
of the Benin Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand
in as
the next of kin to Mr.Soren. This is simple, I will like you to respond
immediately with your full names and address so that we will prepare the
necessary documents and affidavits that will put you in place as the next

The money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio of70%
me and some of my colleagues who are aware of this transaction and 25% for
and 5% for Expenses Incurred in the course of the transaction there is no
at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by my
and with my position as the Foreign Remmitance Director guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction.

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant
documents that will help you understand the transaction. Please send me
confidential telephone and fax numbers for easy communication. You should
observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction
be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance
invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your urgent reply.

Remain Bless.
Mr Don Brown
0022997 720 049.
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Men herregud det är ju 8 miljoner dollar! Slå till!


Länge leve Nigeriabreven, undrar hur många som går på det? Har själv fått två under mitt korta liv.
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

får bara 25% av dom åtta miljonerna. tycker han ær ngt sniken :bump:
Pengarna vill jag men inte resten av "tråkigheterna".
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

kanske är jag som är trö vad sjutton är ett nigeriabrev?? :o
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Varför inte?

Anledningen till att jag vill anmäla är att folk skall få upp ögonen för dessa förbaskade breven & sluta bli lurade..
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Spirit skrev:
According to the International Banking ethics,codesand
Laws, at the expiration of 7(Two) years, the money will revert to the
of the Benin Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Det är nobelt men onödigt att anmäla dem, de kan iaf hyfsat mycket om att dölja sina spår, då du har ingenting som du egentligen kan anmäla, du vet inte var de sitter, du vet inte vilken emailadress de har använt, du vet inte ens om det är ett program som slumpar fram detaljer för att förhoppningsvis få det att funka.

Om du ändå vill gå vidare råder jag dig att kontakta polisen, men det kommer inte att göra nån skillnad tyvärr.
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Jag mejlade brevet till polisen & har inte hört ett ljud :mad: samma sak som när min brors bil blev stulen, han vet vem som tog den men dom har stoppat fallet längst ned på prioriteringslistan :mad: :mad:
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Dom kanske har några mord, misshandel, rån & kidnappningar m.m att ta hand om innan :D
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Jag har också fått såna brev. I ett skulle dem köpa en mobil för 500 spänn, som jag annonserat ut för 250 :smirk:. Det stog att dennes systerson skulle få den i present och han hade letat ÖVERALLT efter den... Jojo...
Anmälde det brevet till Yahoo, då avsändaradressen var en yahoo-adress, men dem såg inte var problemet var så dem undersökte det inte mer... Dem kollade inte ens upp avsändaradressen som stog i mailheadern om denne hade nåt problem.
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Spirit skrev:
Jag mejlade brevet till polisen & har inte hört ett ljud :mad: samma sak som när min brors bil blev stulen, han vet vem som tog den men dom har stoppat fallet längst ned på prioriteringslistan :mad: :mad:

Du får säkert snart komma in och peka ut Nigerianer i en line-up vilken dag som helst nu.

Ärligt talat
1. Markera brevet
2. Tryck delete
3. Tänk på något annat
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Hahaha, fick ett till idag:
Dear Seller,
I am mrs moshel rose from united kingdom, i am urgently interested in purchasing 2 pieces of this item to one of my company in africa for sales and i would prefer making my payment through western union Auction bidpay conducted by western union.after i made the payment, western union will sent an approval confirmation of the payment to you by mail. as soon as you receive the approval confirmation, i want you to ship these item using fedex COURIER[express service] to our affliate place in africa, so that
these item can get to our affliate place in 6 day's time when our customer that want to buy the item from us will come. thanks"...........if u are intrested in selling this item............ send me the following information for the payment:
Zip code:
Telephone Number:
Hope to hear from you soon.
och det var ett svar på annons angående en Motorola mobil... lite svårt att skicka den i två delar :smirk: Inte ett dugg genomskinligt :angel:
Sv: Var anmæla nigeriabrev?

Det här kom till jobbet idag.
Finns det verkligen någon som går på sånt här?



Dear Friend

It's my pleasure to send you this mail which I hope you will treat as highly
confidential. I am Mr.Jacob Audu, A 53 years old man and the Deputy Treasury
Officer with the Central Bank of Nigeria lagos.During the Military regime of
Late General Sani Abacha, contracts running into
several millions of dollars were awarded to friends and cronies fronting for
the late despotic ruler,but unfortunately before such payments could go
through, he died mysteriously in power.

I am writting you for assistance in transfering the sum of US$36.8 million
dollars into your account.This amount represents just a payment due to one
of his friends for a contract awarded to him but was not actually
executed,he is afraid to come forward to claim the money for fear of
being prosecuted.

This money is lying dormant in the vaults of the Central Bank of Nigeria and
I use this opportunity to crave your indulgience in transfering this money
into any account which we shall agree on with you as the beneficiary.This
business is totally risk free,it is only me that is aware of this floating
money.For your assistance,I am willing to give you 30% of the total
sum,while you will assist me in investing my share in viable businesses in
your country pending when I eventually resign my
appointment and join you.

Please if you know you can assist me,endeavour to get in touch with me as
soon as possible so I can give you the necessary details so as to conclude
the transaction within 7 working days.

I am waiting for your urgent messages with respect to this proposal.


Mr.Jacob Audu

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