Igår på Djursjukhuset Albano vid 14:00 tiden fick vår älskade Golden Retriever, Simson, somna in. På grund av en elakartad tumör i nosen, förslitna leder och skada på ena ögat ansåg veterinären att han var i för dåligt skick för att kunna leva ett smärtfritt liv. Trots att det var ett av de värsta besluten i mitt liv, beslöt vi oss för att avliva honom. Simson hann precis fylla 13 år den 14 Maj....
A simple goodbye is not enough. But it's all that I have.
So this is it
This is the last day of my life
I will not return tomorrow
Never see any of you again
But I will always remember
I will never forget
The memories we made together
I bring those with me into eternity
Please don’t shed any tears over me
Don’t mourn me as dead
Remember me as alive
And never forget
That wherever you turn in life
There I’ll be…
A simple goodbye is not enough. But it's all that I have.
So this is it
This is the last day of my life
I will not return tomorrow
Never see any of you again
But I will always remember
I will never forget
The memories we made together
I bring those with me into eternity
Please don’t shed any tears over me
Don’t mourn me as dead
Remember me as alive
And never forget
That wherever you turn in life
There I’ll be…