Sv: Kopia, duger det som pass?
Jo fast det stämmer inte alls det där med "originalet".
Alla språkversioner i EU dokument är lika giltiga, det finns ingen "ursprungsversion" och sen översättningar, det finns bara ursprungsversioner på olika språk.
Skulle man dock bli stämd inför europadomstolen skulle ens advokat säkert peka på att de olika språkversionerna uttrycker sig på lite olika sätt.
Detta är ORDAGRANT det svar jag fick från EU-kommissionen:
"I agree with your observation that the Swedish language version speaks in Article 5(8) of "copying" while referring to Article 16 and 17 of the Regulation where the word for "dublicating" is used as in the original English version.
Quote SE version
Article 5 (8)
8. Identitetshandlingen får inte kopieras eller ersättas, utom enligt bestämmelserna i artiklarna 16 och 17.
Artikel 16
Duplikat av identitetshandlingar
Artikel 17
Ersättning av identitetshandling
The English Version uses in Article 5(8) the same words as used in Articles 16 and 17: "8. The identification document shall not be duplicated or replaced, except as provided for in Articles 16 and 17."
This difference in translation can only be corrected through a corrigendum published in the Offical Journal that will cost several 10,000 €. Given that Member States had voiced certain problems with that Regulation that may require changes to the existing text, may I kindly propose that the correction would be done in the context of that amendment.
As regards copies of the passport I would strongly recommend evry owner to have a current copy of the horse's ID document. The reason being Article 16 (2), but there might be other good reasons..
I am aware that leaving the passport with the horse in a rented stable has caused some problems in other Member States. In such cases the authorities have agreed that the stable keeps a clearly marked copy and the original to be available within short time.
Article 13
Movement and transport of registered equidae and equidae
for breeding and production
1. The identification document shall accompany registered
equidae and equidae for breeding and production at all times.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the identification document need not accompany equidae referred to in that paragraph on the occasions when they are:
(a) stabled or on pasture, and the identification document can be produced without delay by the keeper;
Please indicate to me whether it is necessary to contact the competent auhtories of Sweden on this issue."
Jag kanske skulle ta honom på orden och be dem kontakta SJV