

Nu är jag så fruktansvärt förvirrad!
Hur många ggr ska hästen vaccineras för att vara grundvaccinerad?
Fick nämligen nyss veta att det är 3 ggr?

1:a gången
2:a efter 4-6 veckor
3:e efter 6 månader....

MEN ingen av mina 2 hästar är vaccinerade den 3:e...
Bara dom 2 med 4 veckors mellanrum och sen 1 år mellan varje.
Är detta giltigt och får man tävla på det? Har nämligen gjort det fram till nu men känns ju inte bra om det inte är giltigt.
Sv: Grundvaccination?

Nu är jag så fruktansvärt förvirrad!
Hur många ggr ska hästen vaccineras för att vara grundvaccinerad?
Fick nämligen nyss veta att det är 3 ggr?

1:a gången
2:a efter 4-6 veckor
3:e efter 6 månader....

MEN ingen av mina 2 hästar är vaccinerade den 3:e...
Bara dom 2 med 4 veckors mellanrum och sen 1 år mellan varje.
Är detta giltigt och får man tävla på det? Har nämligen gjort det fram till nu men känns ju inte bra om det inte är giltigt.
Sv: Grundvaccination?

Beror på om det bara är stelkramp du vill vaccinera för.

eller om du deltar i internationella tävlingar.

The FEI requires all horses competing in FEI competition to provide evidence of sufficient
vaccination against equine influenza. Vaccination against equine influenza is an important
deterrent to equine respiratory disease amongst FEI competition horses and is essential for
health regulatory reasons. The vaccination protocol involves regular six monthly booster
vaccinations following a primary vaccination course, as from January 2005. The primary course
is essential to stimulate initial immunity and for an optimal effect of subsequent booster
All horses and ponies for which an FEI Passport or a National Passport approved by the FEI has
been issued must have the vaccination section completed and endorsed by a veterinarian,
stating that it has received two injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza, given
between 21 and 92 days (i.e. 1-3 months) apart. For live vaccines, another schedule for the
primary vaccination may apply. In addition, a booster vaccination must be administered within
each succeeding 6 months (± 21 days) following the second vaccination of the primary course.
None of these injections must have been given within the preceding 7 days including the day of
the competition or of entry into the competition stables.
The above are the minimum requirements for influenza vaccination. The primary course and
subsequent booster vaccinations should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions
that will fall within the stipulation of the FEI ruling. If a horse is not competing in FEI
competitions for an extended period, at least the manufacturers’ recommendations for booster
vaccinations should be followed.
Sv: Grundvaccination?

Beror på om det bara är stelkramp du vill vaccinera för.

eller om du deltar i internationella tävlingar.

The FEI requires all horses competing in FEI competition to provide evidence of sufficient
vaccination against equine influenza. Vaccination against equine influenza is an important
deterrent to equine respiratory disease amongst FEI competition horses and is essential for
health regulatory reasons. The vaccination protocol involves regular six monthly booster
vaccinations following a primary vaccination course, as from January 2005. The primary course
is essential to stimulate initial immunity and for an optimal effect of subsequent booster
All horses and ponies for which an FEI Passport or a National Passport approved by the FEI has
been issued must have the vaccination section completed and endorsed by a veterinarian,
stating that it has received two injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza, given
between 21 and 92 days (i.e. 1-3 months) apart. For live vaccines, another schedule for the
primary vaccination may apply. In addition, a booster vaccination must be administered within
each succeeding 6 months (± 21 days) following the second vaccination of the primary course.
None of these injections must have been given within the preceding 7 days including the day of
the competition or of entry into the competition stables.
The above are the minimum requirements for influenza vaccination. The primary course and
subsequent booster vaccinations should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions
that will fall within the stipulation of the FEI ruling. If a horse is not competing in FEI
competitions for an extended period, at least the manufacturers’ recommendations for booster
vaccinations should be followed.

Hittade även information om det på SRF hemsida,
Sv: Grundvaccination?

Beror på om det bara är stelkramp du vill vaccinera för.

eller om du deltar i internationella tävlingar.

The FEI requires all horses competing in FEI competition to provide evidence of sufficient
vaccination against equine influenza. Vaccination against equine influenza is an important
deterrent to equine respiratory disease amongst FEI competition horses and is essential for
health regulatory reasons. The vaccination protocol involves regular six monthly booster
vaccinations following a primary vaccination course, as from January 2005. The primary course
is essential to stimulate initial immunity and for an optimal effect of subsequent booster
All horses and ponies for which an FEI Passport or a National Passport approved by the FEI has
been issued must have the vaccination section completed and endorsed by a veterinarian,
stating that it has received two injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza, given
between 21 and 92 days (i.e. 1-3 months) apart. For live vaccines, another schedule for the
primary vaccination may apply. In addition, a booster vaccination must be administered within
each succeeding 6 months (± 21 days) following the second vaccination of the primary course.
None of these injections must have been given within the preceding 7 days including the day of
the competition or of entry into the competition stables.
The above are the minimum requirements for influenza vaccination. The primary course and
subsequent booster vaccinations should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions
that will fall within the stipulation of the FEI ruling. If a horse is not competing in FEI
competitions for an extended period, at least the manufacturers’ recommendations for booster
vaccinations should be followed.

Men om jag inte tävlar internationellt så är det godkänt med 2 vaccinationer som grund? För det står ju på Ridsportsförbundets hemsida?
Eller är jag helt förvirrad nu igen`?
Sv: Grundvaccination?

Vet ej riktigt vad som gäller i Sverige angaende tävling. Influensa vaccinationen maste ges de tre forsta gangerna for att bli riktigt verksam. Sedan behover man ju bara vaccinera en gang per ar om man inte tävlar FEI eller pa kapplopningsbanor, da man maste gora det varje halvar.

Fran FASS:
Grundvaccination: Första injektionen från sex månaders ålder, andra injektionen fyra veckor senare.

Influensa: Första revaccinationen (tredje dosen) mot hästinfluensa ges fem månader efter grundvaccinationen. Denna revaccination ger immunitet mot hästinfluensa som varar i minst 12 månader. Den andra revaccinationen ges 12 månader efter den första revaccinationen.

Upprepad användning med 12 månaders intervall av ett vaccin mot hästinfluensa som innehåller stammarna A/equi 1/Prague 56, A/equi 2/Newmarket-1/93 och A/equi 2/Newmarket-2/93 rekommenderas för bibehållande av immunitetsnivån för influensakomponenterna.

Tetanus: Första revaccinationen skall inte ges senare än 17 månader efter grundvaccinationen. Därefter rekommenderas ett intervall av två år.

P.S. "Svara pa traden" accepterar ej längre a och o sa tyvärr kan jag inte ha nagra prickar pa dem. Fast ä fungerar fortfarande.
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