Sv: Gribaldi
Tyska index (alla avelsförbund)
Dressyr 147
Hoppning 77
Exteriörindex (baserat på 48 bedömda döttrar i Trakehner verband)
Typ 126
Kropp 162
Ben 124
skritt 162
trav 144
galopp 124
Allmänt intryck 156
Totalt exteriörindex 155
Mankhöjd +1,1
Från KWPNs sida har jag hittat följande omdömmen
"The Trakehner stallion Gribaldi has a very nice frame. The neck is long and well muscled, the wither is well developed and the croup is long and well built. The foreleg is a little straight and the feet should have a little more quality." (vad jag kan se på deras sida nedärver han ofta smala hovar)
Rapport från hans holländska bruksprov
"Performance Ermelo 1996 (total score tied for 11th)
Gribaldi is an honest, reliable, steady stallion. He is more than sufficiently willing to work and lets himself to be worked well. The walk is big and active. In the trot the stallion should bring the hind leg underneath more actively. The canter has good scope and power and he carries himself well. In dressage the stallion carries himself well and works well. As a dressage horse Gribaldi has a lot of talent and gives his rider a good feeling.
The stallion could take off better while jumping. He has adequate technique, but should finish the jump better from behind. He seems to have sufficient ability. As a jumper the stallion has a sufficient amount of talent and gives his rider a sufficient feeling. Stall behavior is normal."
Walk 8
Trot 7.5
Canter 8
Dressage ability 8
Subtotal dressage 31.5
Ranking dressage 3e
Take off 5
Technique 5
Scope 6
Jumping ability 5.5
Subtotal jumping 21.5
Ranking jumping 21e
Total points 53.00
KWPN Avkommeindex som sporthästar
Dressyr 144
Hoppning 39
Exteriör 106
Gångarter 109
Mankhöjd +1,84
Utvärdering på avkommor som föl
"Offspring 1997
This stallion showed a uniform collection of more than sufficient to well developed foals. They show a lot of breeding and expression and are in sufficient rectangular model. The foals are of the riding type and have remarkable forehands. In movement the foals have flat use of the foreleg, the hindleg should be brought under the body more. The scope and suppleness are sufficient.
The head is very pretty. The foals have a lot of poll. The neck has good form and muscling but should sometimes be more developed. The average shoulder is good in regards to length and placement; the muscling is also good. The back is well muscled but some foals should have more reach. The loins are sufficiently connected. The foreleg is generally correct. In a few cases the foreleg is a little fragile and tight. The hindleg is correct and the gaskin is sufficiently muscled.
The trot is big and has sufficient suppleness. The foals trot with sufficient scope and suppleness. They should push off better, the hindleg should be brought underneath more and the foreleg is flat. The foals should also push off better in the canter and the foreleg stays flat. One foal that was inspected at home fit in with the picture of the collection. The quality of the mares was good.
Shown: 24 (+1) foals out of 273 breedings."