Sv: Fångtråd del 2
With chronic stable laminitis, the goal of therapy is realignment of the coffin bone,
moving the break over point back, providing good heel support, and improving sole
depth. In order to realign the coffin bone, heel must be taken off. The amount of
heel to be removed can be determined from a lateral radiograph.
Shoes concentrate the forces
around the periphery of the hoof, thus they can contribute to tearing and shearing
of the laminae. If at all possible, the shoes should be removed and replaced with
sole supports. Shoe removal may be accomplished safely by rasping the clinches
and pulling one nail at a time.
Sole support is an important therapy that aids in transferring the load away
from the hoof wall, thus protecting the laminae.
Kapitel 8
With chronic stable laminitis, the goal of therapy is realignment of the coffin bone,
moving the break over point back, providing good heel support, and improving sole
depth. In order to realign the coffin bone, heel must be taken off. The amount of
heel to be removed can be determined from a lateral radiograph.
Shoes concentrate the forces
around the periphery of the hoof, thus they can contribute to tearing and shearing
of the laminae. If at all possible, the shoes should be removed and replaced with
sole supports. Shoe removal may be accomplished safely by rasping the clinches
and pulling one nail at a time.
Sole support is an important therapy that aids in transferring the load away
from the hoof wall, thus protecting the laminae.
Kapitel 8
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