Sv: Dokumentärfilmen om Buck Brannaman
Hey Canada
Havn´t talk too you in a while, you guys doing OK?
Here´s the same ol same ol, got Amigo shoed, cows have gotten fat, haven´t gotten out since last I talk too you.
I take it you saw the film?
A lot we can deep do you want too go?
Opening shot, a saddled horse bucking around the didn´t happen too notice th flank cinch draging on the ground? sloppy saddeling? did the horse get a hind foot caught up in there?
Read smewhere he´s trained 10.000 colts in 20 years!
What it didn´t say is that he´s one of them Baby Riders (you know how i feel about that!) The film showed the differance between a 2 year old and a pissed off 3 year old, hell...a 3 year old is still a long way from mature, you notice Bucky Boy didn´t go near that horse!...afraid?
He wasn´t interested in what that woman had too say, he was just plain RUDE! he cut her off, she didn´t get the chance too say if the horse had been going with the other studs or was a loner that had too go by himself!
All we found out was he was hand fed till he could make it on his own, not much human contakt as she had a busted back, and was showing sighns of aggression...when and why never came out!!
Rope...yep, one of the tricks of the trade, catch a foot and theres not much the horse can do.
For any horse who is instinctivley protective of his legs which are it´s means of flight and survival must be very tramatic...expecialy for a 3year old with possible brain damage, strainge enviorment, not much handeling with a saddle and rider on it´s back.
I mean Come On!!! wheres the NH? the winning over of the horse? was all wrong Canada:
Brannaman should have gone out too that woman, checked out the situation, got the colt in the round pen and tried a little Join Up and find out if he was worth saving or he´s better off as dog meat instead of trying too make a show out of it where it all back fired and a man got hurt, and in my eye´s Buck Brannaman looks the damn fool.
I just don´t get it with these NH people and their dern Flags and Swinging Ropes?
How the hell can you get an animals trust and confidence by whipping and swinging things around their head and ass?
I felt very sad for that woman and her horse and I came away with the conviction that I would not want that man or people like him around my horses.
Hey Canada

Havn´t talk too you in a while, you guys doing OK?
Here´s the same ol same ol, got Amigo shoed, cows have gotten fat, haven´t gotten out since last I talk too you.
I take it you saw the film?
A lot we can deep do you want too go?
Opening shot, a saddled horse bucking around the didn´t happen too notice th flank cinch draging on the ground? sloppy saddeling? did the horse get a hind foot caught up in there?
Read smewhere he´s trained 10.000 colts in 20 years!
What it didn´t say is that he´s one of them Baby Riders (you know how i feel about that!) The film showed the differance between a 2 year old and a pissed off 3 year old, hell...a 3 year old is still a long way from mature, you notice Bucky Boy didn´t go near that horse!...afraid?
He wasn´t interested in what that woman had too say, he was just plain RUDE! he cut her off, she didn´t get the chance too say if the horse had been going with the other studs or was a loner that had too go by himself!
All we found out was he was hand fed till he could make it on his own, not much human contakt as she had a busted back, and was showing sighns of aggression...when and why never came out!!
Rope...yep, one of the tricks of the trade, catch a foot and theres not much the horse can do.
For any horse who is instinctivley protective of his legs which are it´s means of flight and survival must be very tramatic...expecialy for a 3year old with possible brain damage, strainge enviorment, not much handeling with a saddle and rider on it´s back.
I mean Come On!!! wheres the NH? the winning over of the horse? was all wrong Canada:
Brannaman should have gone out too that woman, checked out the situation, got the colt in the round pen and tried a little Join Up and find out if he was worth saving or he´s better off as dog meat instead of trying too make a show out of it where it all back fired and a man got hurt, and in my eye´s Buck Brannaman looks the damn fool.
I just don´t get it with these NH people and their dern Flags and Swinging Ropes?
How the hell can you get an animals trust and confidence by whipping and swinging things around their head and ass?
I felt very sad for that woman and her horse and I came away with the conviction that I would not want that man or people like him around my horses.