Cerebellar Abiotrophy

Sv: Cerebellar Abiotrophy

Helt okej, sedan så är vi osäkra på rasen då alla hennes papper var konstiga. Det var flera som trodde att hon var renrasig och jag vet inte för i papperena stod varken ras eller uppfödare..
Sv: Cerebellar Abiotrophy

Jag beklagar verkligen och jag håller med dig att man ska CA testa sina araber detta mejl fick jag idag och Australien släpper inte in otestade djur eller sperma för semin, läs gärna artikeln, jag prenumerrerar på denna sida.

The latest statistics are in
This week we received the latest statistics from UC Davis. Nothing changed much from the previous information, which means that the carrier percentage remains the same, just under 20%.
Disclosures of carriers and clears on the CA website also stayed steady at ~ 12% and 86% respectively. These numbers vary strongly from those of UC Davis, but logically owners are swifter to disclose a clear rather than a carrier.
For the complete overview go to the statistics page.

Australian registry mandates testing on CA, SCID and LFS
The Board of the AHSA Ltd feels that it has a duty of care to its members to assist them in making informed breeding decisions. There are a number of genetic defects which occur in Arabian Horses, as there are in all species of animal. Most of these are recessive which means that both parents must be carriers in order for an affected foal to result. Some of these ‘problems’ are very extensively found within the breed. They occur originally as a result of a genetic mutation and if a popular sire with desired traits happens to be a carrier then the defective gene spreads quickly throughout the population.
Carrier animals should not be regarded as inferior or undesirable, the purpose of testing is to allow breeders to be able to avoid breeding two carriers together as an affected foal will then result 25% of the time. Many of these carriers are outstanding individuals and they have desired traits that should be maintained but without the risk of producing an affected foal. Breeding a non carrier to a carrier will not result in an affected foal and only 50% of the foals born will have carrier status. Many breed societies have used genetic testing in order to eliminate genetic defects in a variety of animals by slowly reducing the frequency the gene appears in the populations and by avoiding the production of an affected animal.
Several new Regulations were made:
1. No stallion, colt, mare or filly imported into Australia on or after 1st January 2011 will be registered in the Stud Book or Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd until the Society in is receipt of DNA results stating carrier status for Severe Combine Immunodeficiency (SCID), Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA), and Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS). As DNA carrier tests become commercially available for Gutteral Pouch Tympany (GPA), Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation (OAAM) and Juvenile Idiopathis Epilepsy (JIE) / Juvenile Epilepsy Syndrome (JES) these will, in addition be required.
2. Likewise, semen which has been imported into Australia on or after 1st January 2011 will not be authorised for use to breed an Arabian or Arabian Derivative until the Society is in receipt of DNA tests stating carrier status for SCID, CA and LFS.
Both of the above Regulations have been adopted to aid members in making informed breeding decisions. The Board is also actively investigating the testing of ALL nominated stallions for SCID, CA, LFS and GPA (as tests become available) with the intention of publishing the results on the online Stud Book. We will secure the best possible price available for the tests and it is out intention to hopefully have them all done together with DNA.

Update: Lavender Foal Syndrome Genetic test now available at the van Haeringen Lab and Cornell AHDC
LFS is a lethal disease that is inherited, like CA, in an Autosomal Recessive way and affects new born foals leading to death or euthanasia wthinin a few hours to days after birth.
Read more on thge WAHO Website Genetic Research page on LFS
Click HERE to order the LFS test from van Haeringen Lab in the Netherlands
Click HERE to order the LFS test from van Cornell AHDC in the USA

More Articles...
• Dutch Arabian Horse Society mandates CA testing !
• Swiss Studbook mandates CA testing
• German VZAP mandates CA testing !
• A Free Symposium for Arabian Breeders and Owners
• Discussion paper by Paul Husband
• New test-option in Germany: GeneControl GmbH, Grub
• Test for LFS now available. 1/15/10
• New Links 14 Jan. 2010
• The Dutch Laboratory is now offering a combined price for testing for CA and SCID
• AHA Code of Ethics

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