Vad din hund vill ha i julklapp...


Min veterinar skickade ut den har emailen till sina patienter... det far bli en lasovning i Engelska.;)

What does every dog want most this holiday season? The same thing he or she probably wants most every day: YOU!

Food and treats fill a furry stomach, toys help to pass the time, a cozy bed makes naptime oh so comfy, but at the end of the day—or first thing in the morning!—that cold nose comes looking for you.

This busy holiday season, make sure you give the gift of TIME to your dog. Toys and treats are great, but it's your love and attention that will make your faithful companion's holidays the brightest while everything else is at its busiest. As we head into this hectic time of year, with all its parties, presents, and pressures, be sure to take time out on a busy day for a favorite walk or to sit on the couch and rub those well-loved ears.
Sv: Vad din hund vill ha i julklapp...

Vilken jättesöt liten text! Och väldigt sant som sagt! "rub those well-loved ears" gillade jag! :)

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