Två stora avelsstjärnor har avlidit

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Det gäller Contender som blev 30 år och Trakehnerhingsten Caprimond 29 år.

Kopierat från Trakehner Verband

Caprimond is dead

13.01.2014 (Wiebke Rosenthal, Trakehner Verband)

Neumünster (TV): Already during his lifetime a symbol for the breeding of Trakehner horses, called “Phytagoras of the modern era”, a foundation sire with a very special aura made his last exit – sad days for the Klosterhof Medingen and the Wahler family, where the extraordinary stallion lived.
Theresa Whaler, who won her first S-dressage with Caprimond at the age of 14, wrote an obituary for “grandpa”. We quote that obituary from the St. Georg magazine: To the last Caprimond went on hacks with Ingrid Wahler. But in the last few days he became weaker and weaker. He lived a full life and was a schoolmaster for all the Wahler-kids. Theresa practiced on him her first difficult dressage lections. 2006 in Aachen the twelve year old Christoph cantered next to his father (riding Hohenstein) through the arena. It must be a really special stallion, being so well-behaved! But Theresa Whaler said that Caprimond became most important for the family when he helped Ingrid Wahler as a therapeutic horse after her accident and was a reliable partner in the daily work and on long hacks.
In addition to his successes in dressage, Caprimond (bred by Jürgen Hanke, Hameln) begot many winning descendants. 35 of his children are successful in the most difficult classes. 14 licensed stallions are Caprimond´s sons – not just Trakehner but also Oldenburger, Hannoveraner and more.
Theresa Wahler : “Caprimond and his unique character will be memorable for us!”
Dear Wahler family, the many Trakehner fans in the world will never forget Caprimond as well.
Imke Eppers, Editor "

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