Sånt som kritiseras är t.ex. hennes berättelse om vad som hände när hon gjorde någon sorts medverkan för EU.
Hennes post om händelsen på instagram:
Jag klistrar in den delen som handlar om EU:
"I have to tell you one of all the funny situations my hair and appearance has gotten me in to: I was invited as one of very few speakers to a colloquium with the European Commission. I turned up in a leather jacket, sparkly pants, my hair, and my attitude. Looked great basically!Haha.
In a coffee break before my speech an ambassador from a European country started to hit on me and trying to convince me to go on a date with him later that night. He was talking down to me very much and it was obvious that he presumed I was just young, a little stupid and would be extremly impressed by his status. Frankly, he was pretty sure I wouldn’t say no to a night with an ambassador.
After having a monologue for ten minutes he asked me why I was there and if I was a dancer (nothing wrong with being a dancer of course, I just think his presumptions are funny and classic) and if I was invited to the big conference to dance a little at the dinner later to entertain. So I answered him: Well, actually I’m the head speaker. So you better sit down and listen because you seem to have a lot to learn.
And then I walked on stage. "
Att hon inte var head speaker det inte fanns någon scen osv kan jag ta som artistiska knep för berättelsens skull men hur hon hanterar händelsen i stort gillar jag inte.
När hon i efterhand frågas om händelsen och vem det var och det faktum att den enda ambassadören som var närvarande var kvinnlig och från Norge hon kan inte uppge namn eller beskriva personen som gjorde detta. Hade inte detta varit ett utmärkt tillfälle att faktiskt konfrontera problemet när det hände, på plats? Eller som minst iaf kunna peka ut vem det var som uppförde sig på detta sätt t.ex. under sitt "tal" just för att belysa problemet ännu mer?
Nä. Istället blir det en post på instagram om händelsen.
http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/document.cfm?doc_id=48344 EU-conventet Hon har ju definitivt talat om det fanns en scen eller ej är väl ointressant?
Ambassadör grejen kan ju vara språkförbistring då det på engelska inte nödvändigtvis betyder det vi menar med ordet.
ambassador (plural ambassadors)
- A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country. (Sometimes called ambassador-in-residence) quotations ▼
- An official messenger and representative. quotations ▼
- A corporate representative, often the public face of the company