Absolut läsvärt. Studien visar att gräsätande i de allra flesta fall inte har något med sjukdom att göra. Intressant också att gräsätande är en hjälp mot parasiter.
Några rader ur din länk:
"The researchers conclude that grass eating is a common behavior that usually occurs in normal dogs and is generally not associated with illness or dietary needs. They go on to suggest that grass eating may reflect an innate predisposition inherited from dogs' wild ancestors. This is supported by research on droppings left by wolves." ..."The usefulness of grass eating in these wild canines is that it can help to purge intestinal parasites. The plant material passes through the intestinal tract and the fibrous matter increases the intestinal contractions and wraps around the worms or nematodes which may be infecting the animal. In this way the grass helps to purge the system of these potentially harmful parasites. Although most pet dogs are free of such worms they nonetheless may still have that predisposition to eat grass which was helpful to their ancestors living in the wild."
"An alternate suggestion, not made by the researchers, but suggested by the veterinarian who raised the question of grass eating with me, is that dogs may eat grass simply because they like the taste of it."