Den växande mössan


Ok jag försöker göra en urban beanie med puffstitches enligt nedanstående mönster. Följer mönstret till punkt och pricka meeeen omkretsen på min mössa växer utan att jag gör ökningar och jag fattar inte varför.:banghead:

Kan någon instruera denna dummis om hur man får mössan att växa rätt uppåt istället för att svälla som en kantarell på sidorna. Något som börjar redan efter frsta puffvarvet. Har även kollat youtube videor för hur man gör men det blir ändå fel. Jag vill ha en mössa inte en poncho som den första mössan vuxit sig till:meh:

Chain (ch), single crochet (sc), slip stitch (sl st)
Puff: Puff stitch—Yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch and draw up a loop
(3 loops on hook), [yarn over, insert hook in same stitch and draw up a loop] 3
times (9 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through first 8 loops on hook, yarn
over and draw through remaining 2 loops on hook.

Ribbed Band
Chain 10.
Row 1: Single crochet in 2nd chain from hook and in each remaining chains across, turn—9 sc.
Row 2: Chain 1, working in front loops only, single crochet in each stitch across, turn.
Repeat last row until piece measures 21 inches. Fasten off, leaving a
long tail. Use tail to sew short ends together to form band.

Join yarn with slip stitch in edge of band at seam.
Round 1: Chain 1, work 72 single crochet evenly spaced around edge of band; join with slip stitch in first single crochet—72 single crochet.
Round 2: Chain 3, skip first single crochet, Puff in next single crochet, chain 1, *skip next single crochet, Puff in next single crochet, chain
1; repeat from * around; join with slip stitch in top of beginning chain—36 Puffs and
36 chain-1 spaces.
Round 3: Chain 3, Puff in first chain-1 space, chain 1, *skip next Puff, Puff in next chain-1 space, chain
1; repeat from * around; join with slip stitch in top of beginning chain.
Repeat last round until hat measures 11 inches from beginning. DO

Close Top of Hat: Last round worked is top of hat. Hook is currently at top,
back center of hat. Keeping loop on hook, insert hook into top, center front of
hat, yarn over and draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through 2 loops on hook
(single crochet complete). Pinch side edges to the same center point and single crochet the edges together (by inserting hook through both thicknesses and completing an single crochet).
The top of the hat will now be in a star formation. Continue to pinch opposite
edges and single crochet them together until top of hat is completely closed. Fasten off.
Weave in ends.

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