Sv: Crabbet distansavel
Alle arabere er dejlige.

Jeg mener at Crabbet er "en anelse" bedre generelt. Der er virkelig mange der placerer i toppen, når vi taler om ridning, men især på distance.Måske ikke altid helt rene crabbet, men med en stor andel.
Især har Australien i kraft af deres store antal eksporteret en del til bl.a. Dubai netop til distance.
Dette på trods af deres relativt lille antal f.eks.sammenlignet med polske, russiske og domestic
Det vil nok føre for vidt at begynde at remse dem alle op, men en hurtig omgang af et par kendte, kan det vel blive til.
Bred at Gadebrook and now a "Living Legend" in the USA, an accolade only awarded once every 25 years, Magic Domino is the first British-bred Arab ever to be so honoured. And after his cumulative wins he is now the highest ranking ridden Arabian in the USA..
As a youngster in Britain he won the Junior Male Championships as a 2- and 3-year old at the Wessex Arab Show. Magic Domino was then exported in 1991 as a 3-year old to Sherry Stewart's stud in Canada. In 2000, Domino was imported to the United States by Mark Thomason for his wife Kim. Together they have reached the top, winning more points than any other Arab currently showing under saddle in the States.
At 16 hands Magic Domino is a very large Crabbet stallion while still true to the classic Arabian type. His strong performance pedigree is evident in his excellent movement combining balance with a long effortless stride. Domino's personality shows in the calm, confident approach he applies to his tasks. His conception rate by AI is excellent and his offspring show the build, movement and presence of their sire.
Domino's abilities as a sporthorse have been recognized by the Canadian Sporthorse Association (CSHA), the Canadian Trakehner Horse Society (CTHS), and the American Registry of Arab Bred Sporthorses (ARABS). He has attained Phase 1 of the CSRA achieving the highest marks for the stallions.
At the 2005 US National Sport Horse Championships, Magic Domino received two TOP TENS as pure bred Arab stallion. This high placement at the Nationals and his other 2005 show successes earn him a futher award: his Legion of Excellence.
Congratulations to owners Kim and Mark Thomason. With a few more wins, he will achieve the ultimate accolade: legion of Supreme Excellence. Magic Domino's 2-year old daughter Enchantress also received two TOP TENS in a very strong youngstock class and proved a crowd pleaser for her manners and trot.
Magic Domino's recent successes earn him Legion of Excellence status. Magic Domino is now working on the ultimate Legion of Supreme Excellence, which he should shortly achieve with a few more wins.
Sheikh Hazza bin Sultan of Abu Dhabi rode Gadebrook-bred Hachim, a 10 year-old gelding, to victory in the 2005 100-mile race in the desert heat of Dubai in 7hrs and 3 mins, knocking 17 minutes off the current record, and beating 183 of the world's top riders from 41 countries.
Congratulations to Sheikh Hazza bin Sultan and all the team at W'rsan Farm who train and care for Hachim
Taragun - World Arabian Horse Organisation Horse of the Year, 2008. Pure bred Arabian mare, 14.2 liver chestnut (Shogun x Taretta)
Har ikke mere tid lige nu, men grunden til at folk ikke ved det er jo, at der næsten ingen crabbet findes ud over i UK.Man har valgt dem fra ud fra at de ikke alle er af showkvalitet, hvilket for nogle opdrættere er ligegyldigt.
Prøv at rejse en tur på nettet og kik på de forskellige stutterier og I vil finde at det er brugsegenskaberne disse opdrættere går efter først og fremmest, praktisk taget ingen af dem tager på show´s.
Desværre har heller ikke ret mange en hjemmeside, de går bare ligeså stille og laver gode heste.
Så, hvis jeg skal berette om flere tager det lang tid, for jeg skal finde dem i mine Crabbetjournaler og det kniber med tiden til det., for der er mange.
VH Gunni.