Sv: Cortison till eksemhäst?
Det vore intressant att läsa undersökningen. Kommer du ihåg vilken typ av kortison det var som gavs i depåform?
Jag är 90 % säker på att substansen som gav minimalt med beverkningar vid eksembehandling i den franska studien var triamcinolon. Men peket har försvunnit både från rymden och min dator! Till människor ger man ffa metylprednisolon i depåberedning vid allergi.
French, K., Pollitt, C. C., Pass, M. A. Pharmacokinetics and metabolic effects of
triamcinolone acetonide and their possible relationships to glucocorticoid-induced
laminitis in horses J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 23, 287–292
skriver så här:
”The effects on glucose metabolism persisted for
3–4 days after triamcinolone was given i.m. at 0.05 mg:kg, the upper limit of
the recommended dose range, and for 8 days when given at 0.2 mg:kg. These
observations, together with recent evidence implicating inhibition of glucose
metabolism in the pathogenesis of equine laminitis, indicated that triamcinolone-
induced laminitis may be associated with the long duration of action
of the glucocorticoid when higher than recommended doses or when repeated
doses are given.”
Så här refereras den australiska studien om triamcinolone (TA) i
"An Australian study (in 2003) reviewed cases that had been injected with TA and followed up with regards to developing laminitis," says Frisbie. "A single horse in 205 cases (about 0.5%) developed laminitis when given a dose that was two to four times greater than that used by most practitioners in the USA. My clinical experience is that laminitis is rarely induced at a standard dose or frequency in a horse that does not have other metabolic problems or a history of laminitis”