Sv: Cesar Millan
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Millan Faces Criticism
The basis of Millan's approach to dog training has not, as he would have one believe, sprung from his own natural rapport with dogs but has been well-documented in the past by canine experts such as the late John Fisher, Dr. Bruce Fogle and Ray and Lorna Coppinger. These professionals have devoted a lifetime to the study of canine behaviour, have delved into history books to trace the dog's origins and have written many accredited papers on canine psychology.
Many of these reputable people state publicly that Milan's use of the “alpha roll”, forcibly rolling a dog onto its back and pinning it down to assert authority, and his use of lead corrections and choke collars are inhumane and can have serious behavioural consequences. Though Millan is never seen to hit or physically injure any dog he is working with, the critics believe that subjecting a dog to archaic techniques is inhumane and causes fear and confusion in an already stressed dog.
Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Director of Animal Behaviour Clinic at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine said:
“Cesar Millan's methods are based on flooding and punishment. The results, though immediate, will only be transitory. His methods are misguided, outmoded, in some cases dangerous and often inhumane. You would not want to be a dog under his sphere of influence. The sad thing is the public does not recognise the error of his ways"
Jean Donaldson, SPCA Director of Academy for Dog Trainers said:
“Practices such as physically confronting aggressive dogs and using choke collars for fearful dogs are outrageous by even the most diluted dog training standards.”
One of the most well-known and respected world wide dog behaviourists, Dr. Ian Dunbar is also critical of Cesar Millan. Dr. Ian Dunbar is a veterinarian and founder of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Dr. Dunbar has written six best selling books, developed the first puppy training courses and achieved many academic degrees. Dr. Dunbar has a veterinary degree, a Special Honours in Physiology and Biochemistry from the Royal Veterinary College of London University, a doctorate in animal behaviour/psychology from the Department of UC Berkeley and over a decade of research and experience in olfactory communication, social behaviour and aggression in canines. What does Dr. Dunbar think of Millan's methods?
“He has nice dog skills, but from a scientific point of view, what he says is, well…different. Heaven forbid if anyone else tries his methods because a lot of what he does is not without danger.”
Dr. Dunbar is very concerned that any television viewer who applies Millan's technique of the alpha rollover may get bitten by their dog. Dr. Dunbar appears to be voicing the words of National Geographic who say: “Don't try this at home”. Messages like this are flashed across the screen throughout Millan's show. So concerned are the American Humane Association as to Millan's methods being applied by the viewing public that they requested that National Geographic stop the show citing Millan's tactics as “inhumane, outdated and improper”.