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Vad vet ni om hingstarna Ovidius (Aldatus) och Capilenz (Capitol I)?

Sökt på internet men tycker inte jag hittar så mycket eller så letar jag dåligt:p

Capilenz har jag inte hittat ngn bild på heller.

Vad tycker ni om hingstarna?
Sv: Behöver lite hjälp!!

Ovidius f.1996 166 cm
Rapport från hans bruksprov i Holland i KWPN databas
"Ovidius is a reliable stallion that behaves normally. He finds the work easy. During dressage training Ovidius showed sufficient willingness to work and worked sufficiently.
Ovidius has a pure walk with more than sufficient scope and sufficient impulsion. The trot is limited in scope, it should show more impulsion and bend. He has moderate self-carriage at the trot. The canter is easy, functional and has more than sufficient scope and sufficient impulsion. Ovidius has a lot of balance and is good at changes. He is a supple horse. He has moderate talent for dressage and gives his rider a sufficient feeling.
Ovidius loves to jump, has a good attitude and works well. He jumps quickly with much take-off and jumps back well. Ovidius bends well and has a good jumping ethic. The foreleg folds well but is sometimes uneven. Ovidius shows more than sufficient bascule. He shows much to very much scope and he is careful. Ovidius has very much talent for jumping and gives his rider a very good feeling. The stallion behaves normally while being handled.
In his stall Ovidius wears a collar around his neck, without it he bites his sides and hurts himself.
No veterinary remarks."

Walk 7
Trot 5.5
Canter 8
Dressage ability 5
Subtotal dressage 25.5
Ranking dressage 10e
Take off 9
Technique 8
Scope 8.5
Jumping ability 9
Subtotal jumping 34.5
Ranking jumping 1e
Total points 60.00
Placement 2e van 13 (9)
Test year 2003
Test place Ermelo

Avkommeindex hoppning 122 (84%)

Övrig info

"1998: selected for 2nd viewing at Ermelo.

1999: not selected for performance test at the re-keuring

2000: not selected for 2n viewing at Ermelo

2001: not selected for performance test at the re-keuring

2003: selected for performance test. Expectation value: dressage 96 (11%), jumping 126 (29%).

Pedigree information state 2003
His sire Aldatus, with Jos Lansink in the saddle, was champion of Holland. The stallion carries the blood of Aldato-Almé and Caletto I. After his approval Ovidius became the fifth approved stallion out of the Ilonka and Twiggy mare line. Octrooi, Creool, Madison and Oliver preceded him. Dam Friggy is by the performance stallion Ahorn and she herself carries the keur and the prestatie predicates.
Friggy produced 8 offspring (2 colts and 6 fillies) of which 1 is ster, 1 2nd viewing, 1 sport predicate for jumping, the Z-jumper Mefriggy (s Habsburg) and national jumper Ovidius (s Aldatus). Twigg produced the KWPN stallion and also national jumper Creool; she is the grandmother of ZZ-jumper Domino (s G Ramiro-Z), the national jumper Jezwiggy (s Burggraaf) and of the KWPN stallion and als ZZ-jumper Madison (s Guidam). Ilonka produced the KWPN stallion Octrooi/Best of Luck; she is the grandmother of Z1-dressage/ZZ-jumper Zokonsa (s Farn), the GP-jumper Baltimoor (s Nurzeus); she is the great grandmorther of the national jumper Ikonda (s Dutchboy), the Z1-dressage horses Fantastique (s Ulft) and Napoleon (s Damiro).

Conformation description 2003
Ovidius is a sufficiently developed, correctly built, riding type stallion that stands in good rectangular model. The neck comes from deep in the chest and is horizontal. The hindleg is a little straight. The foundation has much quality and the stallion has well shaped hooves of good quality.

Own performance state 2003
Last year Ovidius won the IAN-Trofee for six-year old jumpers. He took part in the finals for the WC for young jumpers in Lanaken and with Jeroen Dubbeldam and earned several international wins in competitions for six- and seven year olds. Ovidius distinguished himself at the age four and five at competitions with satisfying results."

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