Sv: Women & Horses
Hey you made, been waiting for you.
I stumbled across the site and though WOMEN & HORSES would prick up your ears
I got into your site, interesting, 2 oppsite sides that leave us with ?´s!
I think in both artikles the authors leave us with too much googeling too do and that is not very proffesional, when they say "Research Has Show" then the authorn has a responsibility too guide the reader too those research studies and not leave us believing "word-of-mouth".
Many of the symptoms mentioned are very real and practical experiance has shown that "take away the concentrat and the symptom went away.
One can diseckt wives tales, but one needs to give a rational explenation that can be understood for the horseman;
The old time horsemen knew if they didn´t cut back the grain after a week of hard work the horse would "lock up" (korsrygg), and they didn´t need a Ph´D too know that, experiance was their teacher, not some old woman.
The smell of amoniac in the urin is not a good sighn, call your doctor and tell him your piss is making your eye water
and I bet he tell you "get in here so I can check you out!!"
What both authors do agree on is that the grown horse does not need "extra" protein, minerals or other supplements in their basic diet if they are not being worked and are not breeding stock.
The internet is great for getting information, but it can also be very confussing.