Studien riktade främst in sig på det estetiska helhetsintrycket som jag förstår det, av ryttares olika kroppsformer i förhållande till hästen samt vad svararna ansåg vara idealet och varför. Notera att det var stillbilder (tolv ryttare, tre hästar) som bedömdes och inte video.
"Both coaches and judges reported that BS [body shape] impacts rider ability;
however, judges stated that rider size or shape does not negatively influence previous scores given during competition. These findings potentially explain why the overall perception of the ideal female rider is of a smaller physique, if it is presumed that a smaller physique enhances skill, thus indicating the need for future research investigating the effects of BS on rider posture and skill. Frequent terms were identified from the long answer questions stating that both coaches and judges commented on the effects body shape has on riders’ balance, flexibility, and strength, yet little evidence exists to support this perception."