Rörliga bilder

Jomen precis, först kommer
  • The Greatest Generation – born 1901-1927.
  • The Silent Generation – born 1928-1945.
  • The Baby Boomer Generation – born 1946-1964.
  • Generation X – born 1965-1980.
  • Millennials – born 1981-1996.
  • Generation Z – born 1996-2012.
  • Gen Alpha – born 2013 – 2025.
(fick upp det när jag googlade)
Varför The Silent Generation :confused:
Jag reagerade mer på "the greatest generation" ??
"An early usage of the term The Greatest Generation was in 1953 by U.S. Army General James Van Fleet, who had recently retired after his service in World War II and leading the Eighth Army in the Korean War. He spoke to Congress, saying, "The men of the Eighth Army are a magnificent lot, and I have always said the greatest generation of Americans we have ever produced."[2] The term was further popularized by the title of a 1998 book by American journalist Tom Brokaw. In the book, Brokaw profiled American members of this generation who came of age during the Great Depression and went on to fight in World War II, as well as those who contributed to the war effort on the home front. Brokaw wrote that these men and women fought not for fame or recognition, but because it was the "right thing to do".[3] This cohort is also referred to as the World War II generation"

Från wiki. Verkar ha mycket att göra med att det var generationen som slogs i WWII.
Du glömde lägga till att de gärna hänger på Facebook, när de flesta andra har övergett det skeppet. (Jag frågade en yngre släkting om han hade FB - han skrattade åt mig. )

+1 på det. Jag frågade ungdomen här hemma om användandet av stickers som facebookkommentar verkligen är något de gör, för att bekräfta min hypotes om att det är en boomergrej. Fick svaret: "Facebook? Haha, nä." End. :rofl:
Varför The Silent Generation :confused:

Såhär skrivs det på Wikipedia:
Time magazine first used the term "Silent Generation" in a November 5, 1951, article titled "The Younger Generation", although the term appears to precede the publication:[6]

The most startling fact about the younger generation is its silence. With some rare exceptions, youth is nowhere near the rostrum. By comparison with the Flaming Youth of their fathers & mothers, today's younger generation is a still, small flame. It does not issue manifestoes, make speeches or carry posters. It has been called the "Silent Generation."
The Time article used birth dates of 1923 to 1933 for the generation, but the term somehow migrated to the later years currently in use.[7] A reason later proposed for this perceived silence is that as young adults during the McCarthy Era, many members of the Silent Generation felt it was unwise to speak out.[8]

The term "Silent Generation" is also used to describe a similar age group in the UK but has been at times described as a reference to strict childhood discipline which taught children to be "seen but not heard."[9][10] In Canada, it has been used with the same meaning as in the United States.[11] The cohort is also known as the "Traditionalist Generation".[12]
Jomen precis, först kommer
  • The Greatest Generation – born 1901-1927.
  • The Silent Generation – born 1928-1945.
  • The Baby Boomer Generation – born 1946-1964.
  • Generation X – born 1965-1980.
  • Millennials – born 1981-1996.
  • Generation Z – born 1996-2012.
  • Gen Alpha – born 2013 – 2025.
(fick upp det när jag googlade)

Jag lägger till The Lost Generation - born 1883-1900.

Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur

  • Avels fråga
  • Hur är processen
  • Valp 2025


