Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?



Jag vill höra någon berätta om sin/sina upplevelser där. Rekommenderar du det? Vad tyckte du? Ska du dit igen?Jag vill veta allt.. för hur jag än söker på google får jag inte den informationen jag behöver och vill ha.
Någon gång ska jag möta denna man..

Tacksam för svar! :)
Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

Hi - I can read Swedish - more or less at least, but I am not good at writing it, so I prefer English - hope it is ok for you.

Klaus is a very precious teacher - I have known him a long time and attended many of his courses. If you would like to know more about how the course participants describe what they get out of his courses, I would recommend you to have a look at his web-site www.hempfling.com in the section 'Reflections' - there you will find a lot, and there are also some links on the first page on his site to some descriptions. You can also join the forum on the Australian site www.hempfling.com.au. By the way he is doing one month course again this summer in denmark - starting out with a Borderline Demo which is a really good way to get a first 'sniff' at his work.

Personally I learned more from Klaus than from any other person I met in my life - about horses, about life and about how to live in the here and now. He goes very deep when you join longer courses with him - into all issues around horses and that includes spiritual awareness and body-awareness...and this is really very helpfull stuff for life in general. As the cream of the cake his courses are always very entertaining because he has a lot of humour.
I think that Klaus is a person you just have to experience before you will really know if his work is something for you, so I would say: go to a Borderline Demo to see if you like his style and then you can take it from there.
Well, and if there is anything you would like to ask me, you are of course welcome to ask :)
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Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

Hi! thank you for your answere :)

I have visited his website many times but feel like I don´t get the information I want. But I will look at the Reflections by people who have experienced him more..

I feel like I´m this lost person that is on the wrong path, if you know what I mean? I will try to explain (my english grammar sucks :P) I have had three own horses in my 19 year old life and in periodically I´ve felt terrible after I spent time with my horse. Just because I´ve felt that there have always been something missing in my relationship with my horse. I kind of know what, but at the same time I don´t know what or how to change. I don´t know what I did getting my self into trying to explain this....

I´ve read one book by Klaus (don´t know the english title, but the book after dancing with horses..) and after that I just knew that this was what was missing. Nr one: Im was/am lost as a person. Two:My body language for the most part but most importantly towards my horse didn´t excist. Three: My mood atmosphere (hope you know what i mean) was a complete chaos.
And ofcourse this effected my horse and therfore also effected me. Cause Im a pretty open minded person and also a little deep. Thinks a lot and it´s clear I won´t walk through my entire life whitout find myself - that´s for sure =)

The one thing I wonder, therfore this long text about me, does Klaus focus on how lost we are as a human or is it only from the horses perspective? Don´t know if you get my point there..hm..

But thank you anyway! :laugh:

((When I say Im lost as a person, I am not Lost lost as a person. I feel great, have a great job, ain´t depressed or anything. Just lost with the way to be with horses. and that´s a huge deal for me and effects me more than I could ever know))
Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

Du har chansen att se honom i arbete och få bättre grepp om själva "tänket" under en helgkurs på Gotland 6-7/6 om du har möjlighet. Mer info hittar du här: http://www.kfh.nu/
Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

Han kommer regelbundet till Sverige. Det kanske kan vara intressant att se honom på en clinic först? :) Jag såg honom 2007 när han var på Johannesberg (?) och var extremt nöjd. Han kändes mänsklig och var väldigt bred i sin information. Pratade om fysiska bitar, inte bara flum. :D Och han förklarade logiskt och lättförståerligt. Jag var jättenöjd med min dag och kommer absolut att se honom igen när han kommer till mina trakter.
Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

Åh clinic vore ju det allra bästa till o börja med!! Vet du ngt om det kommer en clinic framöver? Vet att han kommer till gotland i sommar, men vill som sagt på clinic först.
sofiahivall.blogg.se kan du nå mig på. Kram:)
Sv: Någon som mött Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling och vill dela med sig?

What Klaus sets most focus on is exactly this - how do we get happy, authentic and fulfilled persons who the horse can take serious and believe...he gives all he has to show the course participants this and I have to say that meanwhile he is very successful. The intensive courses really give a lot of tools to find your own way - not only with horses but also in general. A short demo is great to get a feeling of his style - because you have to like it of course, and on the more intensive courses you then get more deep into the issues.
Have you seen his vid's on YouTube? Otherwise I really would recommend you to do so - they give a short but quite real image of his work. Especially the newest ones like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa2A6Jk0xLQ&feature=channel_page
and this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRJ8kFZZpWw
This one is also great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBncWJcksk

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