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Performance 1997
Honest and a little sensitive. He is more than sufficiently willing to work and he works well. He was rather tense at the beginning of the test, this improved as the test went on. The walk is active and sufficient in scope. He trots with sufficient scope and tact but should carry himself better. When he tenses you can sometimes see the bottom of the hoof. The canter is big and carried. He collects more than sufficiently in dressage and has good self-carriage. He has a lot of talent for dressage and gives his rider a good feeling. He jumps with sufficient foreleg technique but he jumps too far forward and should have more take-off. He appears to have more than sufficient scope. He finishes the jump well behind. He has sufficient talent for jumping and gives his rider a sufficient feeling. Stall behavior is normal.
Performance results
Walk 8
Trot 7
Canter 8
Dressage ability 8
Subtotal dressage 31.0
Ranking dressage 3e
Take off 7
Technique 6.5
Scope 7
Jumping ability 6.5
Subtotal jumping 27.0
Ranking jumping 8e
Total points 58.00
Placement 6e van 13 (8)
Test year 1997
Test place Ermelo
Breed registrations
number of breedings 2002 133
number of foals 2002 308
Progression total until 2002
breedings 1154
foals 913
pre selection stallions
2e bez stallions
3e bez stallions
passed selection stallions
star geldings
studbook mares
ster mares
keur mares
preferente mares
prestatie mares
Foal report
Offspring 1998
Métall showed a uniform collection of foals. They are well developed, are in more than sufficient rectangular model and are appealing. The head is expressive. The poll and neck have good length. The neck is sometimes a little deep but is more than sufficiently muscled in the topline and is carried well. The wither is sufficiently developed. The shoulder has good length and placement. The foals drop off a little after the wither. The muscling of the back/loin formation is more than sufficient. The sloping, well-muscled croup should be a little longer. The well-developed hamstring should be longer. The foreleg has good length but is sometimes a little tight. The hindleg is angled.
The walk has sufficient scope and suppleness. The foals have an active trot with good carriage. The foreleg is used well. The hindleg is brought under the body sufficiently. The foals don't jump into the canter easily. They tense in the canter.
One of the picked foals died before the inspection.
In general the quality of the mares was good.
Shown 18 foals out of 71 breedings.
Sport index
Year of calculation 2004
Group IB
Number of perfomance test results in calculation 8
Number of sport results (show jumping) in calculation 5
Reliability breeding value show jumping 48
breeding value: show jumping 97
Number of sport results (dressage) in calculation 16
Reliability breeding value dressage 54
Breeding value: dressage 136
Other information
selected at Den Bosch Stallion Show
Type of stallion
Métall is very elegant. The stallion has a lot of neck and a well-developed poll. Métall misses a little width and muscling in the body. The foundation is a little delicate and the front legs are toed out.
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