Läste denna artikel idag, som bland annat säger följande (min kursivering):
' He and his colleagues devised a model that captured the relationship between a food source and a grazer that depends on the food. They published that first paper in 2000. But Loladze was also captivated by a much larger question raised by the experiment: Just how far this problem might extend.
“What struck me is that its application is wider,” Loladze recalled in an interview. Could the same problem affect grass and cows? [...] The results, as he collected them, all seemed to point in the same direction: The junk-food effect he had learned about in that Arizona lab also appeared to be occurring in fields and forests around the world. “Every leaf and every grass blade on earth makes more and more sugars as CO2 levels keep rising,” Loladze said. “We are witnessing the greatest injection of carbohydrates into the biosphere in human history―[an] injection that dilutes other nutrients in our food supply.” '
Ju högre nivåer av co2 i atmosfären, ju högre koncentration av socker i växterna, inklusive gräs. Redan nu är vi många som kämpar med för höga kvoter, och det blir värre. Kommer vi får allt fler fånghästar och andra problem? Kan vi motverka detta på något sätt? Mina tankar går till att vi behöver förändra artsammansättningen på bete och vall, men även då lär ju koncentrationerna av socker öka och vitala näringsämnen minska. Vilka åtgärder kan ni tänka er för att avhjälpa detta?
' He and his colleagues devised a model that captured the relationship between a food source and a grazer that depends on the food. They published that first paper in 2000. But Loladze was also captivated by a much larger question raised by the experiment: Just how far this problem might extend.
“What struck me is that its application is wider,” Loladze recalled in an interview. Could the same problem affect grass and cows? [...] The results, as he collected them, all seemed to point in the same direction: The junk-food effect he had learned about in that Arizona lab also appeared to be occurring in fields and forests around the world. “Every leaf and every grass blade on earth makes more and more sugars as CO2 levels keep rising,” Loladze said. “We are witnessing the greatest injection of carbohydrates into the biosphere in human history―[an] injection that dilutes other nutrients in our food supply.” '
Ju högre nivåer av co2 i atmosfären, ju högre koncentration av socker i växterna, inklusive gräs. Redan nu är vi många som kämpar med för höga kvoter, och det blir värre. Kommer vi får allt fler fånghästar och andra problem? Kan vi motverka detta på något sätt? Mina tankar går till att vi behöver förändra artsammansättningen på bete och vall, men även då lär ju koncentrationerna av socker öka och vitala näringsämnen minska. Vilka åtgärder kan ni tänka er för att avhjälpa detta?