Sv: Hovmekanismen, SÅ fungerar det (med bilder)
Här är vad som gäller för Strassecertifierade, det spelar ingen roll hur ömfotad en häst är eller hur hårt den sliter ner sina hovar, tala om barfotataliban:
A Strasser Hoofcare Professional has:
1) Passed an extensive 1 year course with intensive study of an 800 page textbook, three hands-on "Practicums," midterms and final exams. Their skills are personally approved by Dr. Strasser, and they must be re-certified by Dr. Strasser yearly to retain their title.
2) Been thoroughly versed in trimming methods for all kinds of hoof ailments, as well as the lifestyle changes necessary for healing of the hooves and a return to optimal health.
3) Agreed by contract to never apply a shoe to a horse or have his/her own horses shod.
Här är vad som gäller för Strassecertifierade, det spelar ingen roll hur ömfotad en häst är eller hur hårt den sliter ner sina hovar, tala om barfotataliban:
A Strasser Hoofcare Professional has:
1) Passed an extensive 1 year course with intensive study of an 800 page textbook, three hands-on "Practicums," midterms and final exams. Their skills are personally approved by Dr. Strasser, and they must be re-certified by Dr. Strasser yearly to retain their title.
2) Been thoroughly versed in trimming methods for all kinds of hoof ailments, as well as the lifestyle changes necessary for healing of the hooves and a return to optimal health.
3) Agreed by contract to never apply a shoe to a horse or have his/her own horses shod.