Sv: Det här med salt...
Nej, jag finns bland distanshästar där salt är en naturlig sak att ersätta. Hästar med saltbrist åker ur tävlingar tidigt pga hudturgor, kapillär återfyllnad eller metaboliska orsaker. Som kan bli livsfarliga.
Jag ser Na som en lika viktig sak att få i hästen som Ca eller Mg (som också är salter).
Svenska hästar får inte i sig tillräckligt med salt om de inte får det separat.
Förklara gärna för mig hur man ska ersätta saltförlusterna om man inte ger dem salt?
Saltstenar är värdelösa för de flesta hästar och naturligt finns det knappt något salt.
De flesta färdigfoder innehåller 8g per kg. Då får man ge hutlöst mycket.
Mineralfoder innehåller så pass lite att hästen inte ens får i sig underhållsbehovet på en "normalgiva".
Hur ska jag ersätta saltförluster utan att ge salt?
// Linda
Hi mahmlt:
Nice of you too get back, we can take this in english as I know your pretty good at it.
Yes i know you are a distance rider, so was I many years ago. Dehydrashion was something we keeped an eye on, we brought our own water from home too elliminate the chance the horses would not drink. Electrolyt fluids had not really cought on, nor puls meters. Beside the mandatory vetrenär control we stayed tuned to the horses condition by watching it´s respitroy "heavy breathing" and fluid content "checking the neck skin for elasktisity".
Neither I nor my horses have read "The Great Swedish Study Of Extra Salt For Horses". (just how the hell does some yahoo up at SLU know if my horses are low on salt without doing a blood test?)
My horse did just fine and i never gave him extra salt, nor my work horses when I drove timber. I guess ignorance is bliss.
Replaceing Salt:
Salt stone, the horse fill´s it´s needs.
Salting the feed or water, that´s good, unless the horse refuses too eat or drink due too the salt.
Puttting in an IV, if your good with needles.
Now we have been talking about hard working horses which is maybe 1-2% of the horses in this country, the other 98%+- just stand around doing nothing.
I find it hard too believe these horses need more salt than what they lick off a stone! (I don´t understand what you mean that salt stones are worthless?)
The filtration systom in humans and animals is the same regardless of elekrolyt density, excess waste is only excreted after the blood cells have gotten theirs and the filters are saturated, this being the kidneys and liver, (i have already contected you too a link on "Excess Salt".
In this "tråd" the horse mentioned as far as the information we have gotten is an old hot blood racer with a sweating problem without doing any work and does not feel a need in itself too eat up the salt stone!
This tells me it´s a vetrenarian case were blood and urinary test need too be taken to find out what the problem is, disease, infection, stressed or damaged kidneys which is not uncommen in race horses.
To me the whole "hästhållning" mentality here is screwed up with all these ideas "more salt-more protien-more yeast- more-more-more!
Well, one thing we do know for certain, all these sick Swedish horses we see and hear about is not due too them being starved and over worked!
Nice talking too you, see you farther down the trail as this one is rode out.