CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Here is a simple visible demonstration of back lift for you.

Horse at the stand still


Horse at the walk


As you can see, the horse's back at the walk has already lifted up to the tree completely. Add a rider, it will lift more. Increase the gait, more lift.

If the tree allows enough space for the back to work with a rider at a canter, there will naturally be more space at the walk and the jog because the back isn't lifted as much. So even a saddle that cooperates perfectly with the horse STILL has to "bridge" at least in the slower gaits. You're always going to end up with 4 points of pressure at least part of the time.

Jag vill först bär RICI modrat att "Please Do Not Take Away this Aritikle"!!
Det kan vara till stor hjälp för ALLA att förstå vad vi prata om i Saddle Fitting.

Thank You for the pictures :bow:
OK, taking away the panels this saddle tree is not very far from being a pretty good fit too this horses back, a little bit of good padding and the horses should not have any trouble putting in a day´s work.

Looking closely at the panels the first quastion that comes to mind?
How much of the riders weight is being spread out over the horses back?
It does not look like it is much more than what the tree bars are providing themselves, maybe even less as it looks as though the edges of the panels are flared...sticking up in the air and the seperate panels have lifted the whole tree up off the middle of the horses back!

Viktfördelning/Weight Distribussion is spreading as much of the riders weight over as large of an area over the horses back, this is the whole concept of the Blade Saddle of military and western typs that are more weight bearing and those of small thin blades of English Typ which are meant for light shorter rides.
I think that this saddle tree with a good Teddy Saddle Pad would be comfortable enough for the horse too put in several hours of work with his head in either the high or low position.

I think Bewildereds thoughts of Bending at the shoulders and in the back will be very interesting.
I myself am not a Classical Rider, just a Stock Saddle-Stock Horse, Brush Popper who chased streers down off the Pacific Mountain Range as a kid :devil:
I do not want too throw "Cold Water" on you or Len Browns ideas, I was the first one too bring a Len Brown ORTHOFLEX saddle into Sweden, and felt it worked so well I rode my first Karolina Clear Round Rytt on a Pappel knee horse that my vetrenarian said would never make it...we came in, in such good shape all the vet could say was "I would never have believed it".
I must point out that it was the old Full Panel Systom that spread the weight over the whole of the horses back and not just four sections!
I used that saddle and differant "bare trees" when I held saddle fitting courses with Eva and others.
They were not so much courses as more:
Here are the materials go saddle fit your horse :) and by god she did:bump: I showed her and the others diffeant ways too pad-up, how far they can pad untill they come too a point where "the padding will not help because the saddle is too far off from fitting the horses back and it is better too find a saddle tree that fits better.
All I ever asked of students was :
Use your head, think rational and be carefull of Quick Fix Gimicks.

Proof Is In The Performance! and performace can never be achieved if the horse and/or rider are in pain.

Now where´s Canada???
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Don´t worry, We´ll all be here, take your time.
Chompping at the bit, "anatomy of the horse---the working muscles"
For years I´v heard of "working the back muscles" but have never really understood?? outside of jumpers, just how do they work those two back muscles under the saddle? a horse works his loinns and forarms so that he can look like a body builder, but I´v never seen over developed back muscles?!
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Saddle fit cannot be determined properly from pictures, especially without a rider. My point in posting the pictures was to show how much the back changes even without a rider.

If you add a rider and actually test this tree or a saddle built on this tree on that horse, the fit is not "pretty good." It is similar to much of what is on the market, but how much you can get away with just a regular pad on it depends on how you want to ride.

An observant rider in this tree, even just doing light casual riding, will be tipped forward in the seat. In the short term there won't be too much pressure, but it will sore the withers area with more use.

If you look closely at the pictures, you can see already from the one at the walk that the rear of the saddle tree is lifting from the horse's back. Add a rider and try to do any real work or performance and it will turn into a problem with it lifting at the rear.

So no, the horse will not be comfortable putting in a full day's of work with a saddle built on this tree and a regular thick teddy or wool pad.

You say yourself that proof is in the performance. We've got plenty of proof from our horses. Not just in performance but also in them palpating pain free the morning after. And we're not the only ones. Professional ropers, cutters, barrel racers, etc., have also been extremely satisfied with the product and their horses' performances.

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  • Uppdateringstråd 31
  • Valp 2025
  • Akvarietråden V

