CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

To correctly try a saddle on your horse... we all know you have to do ut while the horse is moving..

And honestly, this might sound rude so i appologize for that.

You have been on here giving people tips about saddlefitting for quite some time - and now all of a sudden you've hade serious problems with your horses backs due to illfitting saddles. Then you state that you've been buying WORSE fitting saddles, but that this "pad" magicly fixes the saddle when the bars are to narrow....

Im so sorry, but it sounds like pure bullshit to me.

To pad up a saddle is an old "fix" that don't work well in the long run - which is all this pad would be doing. And riding hard just 1 month, during 5 hours i asume its majority at a walk wont show anything. I could ride my horses here for 5 hours bareback at a walk for a month and i strongly doubt that they'll show any soreness even tho my butt is as bony as can be.

a 5 hour ride at a walk wont engage the back nor the rear of the horse in a way that will make the back lift extremely. If your horse has a sensitive spine - there are other pads with a "bridge".

And yes, it's our horses and our money - and i Bet you theres a reason why this pad isn't selling worth a crap on this side of the pond.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

And if you want to check the direct source of the product, search for "The CorrecTOR" instead. That's the original name. His website unfortunately is rather confusing, but informative once you get past the colored text.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

We know what we know today because of the problems we've had in the past. The professionals here hurt our horses so we had to sit down and study and learn what actually worked because we had no one else to turn to. The information we give out works.

We use the saddles we use because they work for the riders. The one's we've switched out have been replaced with more rider-friendly saddles. And we're not talking about junk saddles. We're talking about brands like Continental and Crates.

And actually the majority of "professional" saddle fitters and even the educated saddlers try to fit at the standstill.

And a trail ride for us is not "just" a walk and involves very varied terrain including hills, loose sand, and all sorts of obstacles that really require the horse to collect and use its back properly. Our horses work when we ride. We train in the countryside as opposed to in the sandbox because it keeps both horse and rider happier.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Continental and Crates aren't bad saddles.

But you make it sound like you have to choose, either a saddle to fit the horse, or one to fit your butt. Thats not true. Next time, try the real billy cooks. The working saddles, heavy as all h-ll but fit an abundance of horses well enough that they can work HARD. And i aint talking about goin up n down a hill, i'm talking about ranchwork. Frontier aint bad either, but billy cook is nicer to ride in imho.

The fact that alot of the scandinavian western saddlefitters can't do their job right is old news - thats why people should attempt to educate themselves (which i think alot do!) There's a bunch of rly good, knowledgeable people in sweden that i could recommend. But they're trainers and not "saddlefitters".

I did look at his webpage and it held no information of value to me at all. No real studies, no good pics just theories.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Bridging is a myth. The horse's back lifts significantly when you add a rider and the horse begins to move. A saddle that fits perfectly into the sway of the back of a horse that stands still will only result in significant saddle problems down the line. The saddle will lift at the rear and hop up and down on the horse's back. Try watching the next time you are at a show or a clinic and see how many saddles have this problem.

If you can find a good old saddle with a really straight tree, you will have a much happier horse than with most of the saddles you find today.

Our Quarter mare's back has become significantly less swayed--it is easy to see the difference when looking at pictures--already within a year of starting her with the CorrecTOR. We'd tried more than 20 saddles on this horse and bought two that were professionally fit but only sored her. She desperately needed that "bridge" to be able to use her back properly. Our straighter backed paint was totally impossible to fit because all the saddles we could find were too curved in the tree. The "professional" swore one of them fit her and used it for training. Resulting in a totally lame horse with a huge swelling on one loin and no ability to concentrate under rider. Two rides with the CorrecTOR and both lameness and swelling were gone and she hasn't been lame a day since.

There have been CorrecTORs sold to Sweden but most are English models, as far as I know. So I doubt you'll find many people who have actually tried the product to answer you other than us and others in Denmark, Germany, or Slovenia.

The CorrecTOR does much the same balancing the saddle as the saddler does adjusting the stuffed panels on an English saddle. But you can't do that with your Western saddle. Then it adds better weight distribution and the ability to adjust the fit as needed either when a horse changes or to use the same saddle on multiple horses.

It works for us and it works for a lot of other people. I honestly don't care if you believe me. You can try it or not as you see fit. It is your horse and your money. But it isn't fair to bash a product you have no experience with and no knowledge of.

1. I am make one thing clear for you....BRIDGING IS A FACT! and I have seen a lot of that on short back Quarter horses and ponnies with Too Big Western Saddles!
It is very painfull for the horse. The reaction of the horse is too raise the head in an effort too relieve the pain in the withers, the same as if I were to dig my thumbs into the back of your lower neck. When this effort does not work the horse will raise his back by ducking his head trying too straighten the top line which my relieve the preasure points at the wiither and loans if the bridging is not too sever.
Brideging was one of the main factors taken up by Len Brown the inventer of the ORTHOFLEX PANEL SYSTOM which the CorrecTors are based upon.

As too the english saddles I would need too see how a seperate panel systom not attached too the saddle as in the old ORTHOFLEX systom can distribute the riders weight from a thin narrow saddle tree.

You are asking people too disregard what they can see and judge with their own eyes and take leave of their Common Sense.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Continental and Crates aren't bad saddles.

But you make it sound like you have to choose, either a saddle to fit the horse, or one to fit your butt. Thats not true. Next time, try the real billy cooks. The working saddles, heavy as all h-ll but fit an abundance of horses well enough that they can work HARD. And i aint talking about goin up n down a hill, i'm talking about ranchwork. Frontier aint bad either, but billy cook is nicer to ride in imho.

The fact that alot of the scandinavian western saddlefitters can't do their job right is old news - thats why people should attempt to educate themselves (which i think alot do!) There's a bunch of rly good, knowledgeable people in sweden that i could recommend. But they're trainers and not "saddlefitters".

I did look at his webpage and it held no information of value to me at all. No real studies, no good pics just theories.

Howdy Cowgirl:
How´s the round up going?
I´m back in the saddle YAAAAHOOOOO:bump:

Continental came out after my Saddle Fitting Day´s. Crates...eeeeh, they are very well made saddles popular with the show crowd, I tried too fit several quarters with them, useing every padding tecknik, build up, military folds, stuffing whatever between a Navaho blanket on each side of the withers... everything I could think of and asking the horse owner too scratch their head too and come up with an idea :idea:.
The saddle just would not sit still, they tended too roll and being some what low in the gullet, desighned for low hand reining they tended too lay on top of the wither bone.
The bars had a funny twist too them, kinda wide and flared.
I don´t know what tree is used?
No, I was not too keen on Crates :D

A lot of good stock saddle makers on the market with pretty good fitting saddle for both the horse and
Just give me 1 good horse with a good fitting saddle,
Thats easy on my ass :devil:
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

No cows here yet! Unless u count the lil herd at gramps... awaitin foals tho! Not planned :/ Im looking forward to them, even tho they're a family oupsie.. lol.

Im sick n tired of winter, so started a couple of seeds... im working aon a jungle!

As far as what tree's used, i have no idea. Been a while since i was around any crates saddles, ill ask hubbydubby if he knows.. he's pretty good at those things but then again he should be considering how many saddles he's wore out ;)

Nothing is as good for the butt as a well fitting saddle and a horse that can work right! Im tryin to remeber the worst saddle i ever rode in, but the winner seems to be a classic allround saddle lol guess ive been lucky on the western side.

Glad to hear that yer back in the saddle!! :D Big huggies from all of us here, take care now and watch for that sneaky ice!
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Howdy Cowgirl:
How´s the round up going?
I´m back in the saddle YAAAAHOOOOO:bump:

Continental came out after my Saddle Fitting Day´s. Crates...eeeeh, they are very well made saddles popular with the show crowd, I tried too fit several quarters with them, useing every padding tecknik, build up, military folds, stuffing whatever between a Navaho blanket on each side of the withers... everything I could think of and asking the horse owner too scratch their head too and come up with an idea :idea:.
The saddle just would not sit still, they tended too roll and being some what low in the gullet, desighned for low hand reining they tended too lay on top of the wither bone.
The bars had a funny twist too them, kinda wide and flared.
I don´t know what tree is used?
No, I was not too keen on Crates :D

A lot of good stock saddle makers on the market with pretty good fitting saddle for both the horse and
Just give me 1 good horse with a good fitting saddle,
Thats easy on my ass :devil:

Continental uses Steele trees, same as Crates does... same as tons of others on the market. A whole lot of rocking chairs. The saddles may be well built and the trees may have a good longevity, but that doesn't help much when they don't fit many horses.

The REAL Billy Cooks (not to be confused with the ones made elsewhere with his name) are about the only popular saddles over here with a decent tree, but they're few and far between, so you're back to importing from the US without being able to test on the horse. But even if we had a saddle that fit 100% we'd still use the CorrecTOR underneath to improve the weight distribution and to be able to adjust balance when needed, such as on a very downhill Quarter.

If you are someone with difficulty finding a saddle that fits you, which we both here in this house are, your choices are really limited. Then you add the fact that the majority of the saddles for sale in Europe have the same style tree, and what's a person to do? Or what if you have a hard to fit horse like one with a straight back or a downhill build (lower in the shoulders than the rump, common with Quarters and breeds with a lot of Quarter in them, as well as some other breeds).

You might be able to luck out with some less common brands (custom makers, etc.) but you can't see the quality unless you get to where it is and can't be sure of fit until you try it, so you waste thousands shipping and driving to try or buy saddles and your horse suffers every time. And it isn't easy to leave your horse in the pasture while you wait for the perfect saddle to drop into your lap. Even if you are lucky enough to be able to afford a custom made-to-measure saddle, you've no guarantee it'll work. We've seen enough of those with obvious issues both in Western and English saddles.

With the CorrecTOR, you can work with what you've got and have a pain-free horse. Later when you can afford better you can upgrade to a better fitting saddle that fits the rider. Then you need few or minimal shims in the CorrecTOR to make it work but still have the better weight distribution offered by the shields.

The Continental we've got right now turns out to be both too wide and far too curved for this horse. When the horse is in top condition, we need all the shims in the CorrecTOR. When the horse is less trained, we need to pull one set of front shims. Now I understand your concerns about the saddle rolling around and moving all over, especially if you have a barrel-shaped mare like our Quarter. But even with all the shims in, our saddle is stable. It barely shifts when mounting from the ground, even with a rider with mounting difficulties that really hangs on the side on the way up. And it doesn't budge at all going up or down a steep hill or sideways across one--even without a rear cinch or breast collar. Anything we tried without a CorrecTOR on this horse was all over, both mounting and on hills.

As for the too wide tree and high head carriage, the horse lifts its head in reaction to the pinching at the withers from the too wide tree and often too flatly angled bars. A horse will also lift its head to SINK its back when the tree interferes with the back. Look at a horse grazing and note how its back lifts when the head comes down and sinks when it comes up again. You've got the symptoms right but the explanation wrong. It isn't bridging but a tree that pinches or interferes with the use of the back.

Once you get that tree out the way in the middle, the horse can lift its back again and get to work. We've experienced once with our own horse and several times with customers' horses that no rear shims were needed in the initial fitting. The horse will have learned not to lift and engage its back to avoid the pain and discomfort from the saddle. But then a month or two down the line, the rear of the saddle starts lifting because the horse found out it could use its back more, so you need to add rear shims. And with our own horse we've seen the back become less swayed with time as well as filling out behind the shoulder blades. All with the same saddle as we rode her in to begin with. We wanted to test it thoroughly before switching to a saddle that was better for the rider (and with more fit problems). We'd gotten her as a 4 year old, so thought she was just built that way, but it turns out the saddle she'd been started in didn't fit any better than the ones we had tried.

The disadvantage of Orthoflex was that it was a mechanical system with moving parts that weakened and broke. They also started "adjusting" themselves in a short time and you'd have to have it refit all the time. And if you look at the copies available today (as opposed to the originals), there are several flaws in the design where they simplified production to lower the prices. The CorrecTOR works similarly but without the weaknesses of the mechanical system and without the need to buy a whole new saddle to get the benefits. You can use the same CorrecTOR under multiple saddles (like if you have one for show and one for training or saddles for different disciplines) or start out with a lower priced saddle and gradually upgrade as funds become available. And it's easy to modify the fit to use the same one on several horses. We just made a list of the right config for each horse/saddle combination and swap the shims around before we saddle up.

If you want a detailed saddler explanation of how the CorrecTOR fixes the too-small tree, give Len Brown himself a call and let him explain it.

When it comes to saddle fit, the only thing you can really trust to be honest with you is the horse. Despite using the CorrecTOR, we palpate our horses regularly to monitor any changes in their reactions. It gives us a quick heads up to find out what is going on if something changes. Unfortunately most average owners don't know how to interpret what the horse is telling them or don't know how to "ask" the horse if it is uncomfortable and assume the horse is acting out or has temperament issues instead of getting to the real cause of the problems. The hardest is when the horse is started with a problematic saddle (even one that is only minorly off) or is one they recently purchased, so the owner doesn't have something to which to compare the behavior. More fortunate are those horses whose owners have a chance to catch a behavior change and get to work finding the cause.

It doesn't help that when having a vet, chiropractor, or massage therapist out to check the horse, they don't always know all the places they can palpate to find answers. So people spend fortunes getting horses tested for lameness issues or adjusted by the chiropractor or massaged when the whole thing could have been solved by doing SOMETHING about the saddle. I should also mention that health and hoof problems can cause similar pain reactions, so it can be a good idea to get the horse checked out by a vet anyway and maybe a farrier to be sure it isn't something else.

I really don't care what that SOMETHING is as long as it works for the horse. I only care about the miserable horses who are suffering needlessly because their owners don't know how to find out what is wrong or just don't care. We meet far too many that don't care, like people who know the saddle they're using is soring their horse (with white spots as proof) but still use it to go do ranch sorting and every other class available at shows and clinics for months without trying anything.

It's all about the horse and rider combination. If it works for both of you, there is nothing to worry about. But it helps to have a lot of information and to know what other options are out there if the traditional ones aren't working for both of you.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

It will soon be Show Season, if you happen too be at any of the shows you can mail me an I will be happy too look over the CorrecTORen.
After I looked over the information I am doutefull, but am open minded enough too give it a good look-see in person.
Until then.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

I dont need a "saddler" explanation - it's basic logic. It picks it up. Raises the saddle, that way the narrow part gets higher up - ta-da "fixed". It's not "fixed" it's just a different way of padding up an ill fitting saddle.

It's not interesting to me, or us, since we need to cinch tight for the work we do - all it would do here is Increase the preassure at the narrow point. Might work for someone who doesn't have to be prepared to tie on to a yearling, or a bull or a cow.. or pull a truck out for that matter.

And yeah, i said the good billy cooks. The -real- ones. They're hard to beat. But, like i stated, there are also Frontier that works well.

I rather have a good saddle than hafta mess with padding up, left right n center. And thats the extent of it - but im with Leaf, show him one and he can tell me all about it.

And yeah it sucks that the market for westernsaddles in europe is so limited - but realy, there are companies that will help you out that are good. It's not all a pitchblack pond of ignorance.
Senast ändrad:
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Ursäkta men du är pinsam!

Jag lägger gärna tusentals kronor och en massa tid på att ha en passande sadel än att köpa en pad av dig.

Du kan sitta här och göra hur mycket reklam du vill om din CorrecTOR pad, jag tycker fortfande inte att det är en lösning som är god nog. Dessutom så är det inte särskilt snyggt att göra reklam för de produkter man säljer här på Bukefalos.

mvh Eva
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Jag kan absolut hålla med om att det inte är helt snyggt att göra reklam för "sin" produkt på det här viset, men kanske 4BarsRR helt enkelt är så lyrisk över correctorn att hen vill dela med sig? Googlar man så är det faktiskt inte särskilt svårt att hitta många fler som är lyriska över sina correctors. En och annan som tycker paden var slöseri med pengar kan man också hitta liksom någon som var så missnöjd att hon ryckte bort paden från under sadeln mitt under en ridtur och skickade ut den över en klippkant!:D Men de nöjda recensionerna överväger definitivt, iallafall av de som jag hittat.

Själv tror jag verkligen inte på att correctorn kan fixa allt och jag känner mig tveksam till om den verkligen är bättre än andra under en passande sadel. Jag förstår inte ens hur det teoretiskt är tänkt att den ska fungera, att läsa på Len Browns hemsida får jag bara ont i huvudet av. Men jag är ändå nyfiken eftersom så många är så nöjda och lite sugen på att ta med en hem från nästa US-resa. För kanske det kan vara så att 4BarsRR pratar så gott om den för hästarnas skull, för att 4BarsRR med sina erfarenheter känner att paden kan göra livet under sadel mycket angenämare för hästarna och det vill vi väl alla?!
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

En liten följdfråga här; Hur kan Raymond Blevins göra sina sadlar så billiga??
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Howdy Sylv.
Om du försto hur systomet funger då försto du att Len Browns arbete med ett 4-Point Support Systom: (see if this works)
Titta på bilderna och du se hur dom 4 kil panels är placered på hästens rygg;
No Contackt In The Middle.
Jag bruka säjer till folk "Vikt Placering och Vikt Fördelning" vikten "Måste" placer där hästen kan bäst bär den!
Och den storsta yttan är det bekvämst för hästen att bära.
Luft bär ingenting, är det non del av den bär yttan som hänger i luften då är det en annan del som for bäre double!
This is just common sense!!
Len Browns systom är desighn att fördela utt trycket från ett viss point och inte från det hela! Det kallas för "Bridging", nåt som man vill undvika.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Ja, men precis, så som correctorn ser ut tänker jag ju vid första anblick att den är icke önskvärt byggd. Så vad jag inte kan klura ut är hur den faktiskt (om man får tro vad folk säger) kan verka på ett positivt sätt! Men kanske folk generellt har för svängda sadlar alternativt vill tro att correctorn är så bra som den säger sig vara för att rättfärdiga den stora utgiften ;). I mina ögon är det bästa naturligtvis att först och främst skaffa sig en sadel som verkligen passar i arbete.

p.s. jag fick en gång den stora förmånen att få en betald resa för att köra hem ett par snow birds från Phoenix till ND. Öknen där nere i full blom var verkligen en fantastisk syn även för en person som jag som vanligen skyr områden med torra klimat!
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

En liten följdfråga här; Hur kan Raymond Blevins göra sina sadlar så billiga??

I do not know :confused:
It is a well made 8 button saddle built on a 15" Quarter Horse Fiberglass Tree, hand made (as hand made as production saddles go).
The leather is thick Bull Hide, instead of Basket Weave I asked for Oak Leaf on the Skirts, if Raymond sat and did it for hand or he has a machine that stances it I am no sure, I have done some leather work myself and it does looks to be hand stanced, anyway it is beautifully done.
Not only that but he built the seat for my personal need´s, I have sprung knee´s and a protes in the right, so instead of the Flat Seat you see in the picture he built in a Rise on the ground seat useing 2 shimed bull hide pieces, this gives me more seat support and relieves the preasure on the knees!
It must have taken 2 cow hides too make my saddle as all the leather is of the same thickness, (cheaper saddles will often use 1 hides too cut cost where by a saddle will have differant thickness of leather)
The material and workmanship is of the quallity of any Longhorn, Wade, or Circle A-Y saddle for that matter.
NOBODY makes a saddle and sells it for a I have too ask myself...."just what am I paying $1000 - $3000 for in other brands of saddles? :confused:

Raymond Blevins does not have Over Seas Shipping!
I am not doing any advertising for him or any other saddle maker.
Just answering your quastion, of price :)
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Ja, men precis, så som correctorn ser ut tänker jag ju vid första anblick att den är icke önskvärt byggd. Så vad jag inte kan klura ut är hur den faktiskt (om man får tro vad folk säger) kan verka på ett positivt sätt! Men kanske folk generellt har för svängda sadlar alternativt vill tro att correctorn är så bra som den säger sig vara för att rättfärdiga den stora utgiften ;). I mina ögon är det bästa naturligtvis att först och främst skaffa sig en sadel som verkligen passar i arbete.

p.s. jag fick en gång den stora förmånen att få en betald resa för att köra hem ett par snow birds från Phoenix till ND. Öknen där nere i full blom var verkligen en fantastisk syn även för en person som jag som vanligen skyr områden med torra klimat!

Jo om du tänke efter, hästen kan känna en stor lättnad när den inte känna tryck på en så små ytten, du kan prova själv som jag pova på Eva en gång :devil: tryck in tummen på overarmen och sen tryck med alla fyra fingar....feel the differance :idea:
Så istället för 1 timmer i sadeln kan du rida 3-4 timmer, GREAT, men du har bara kommit halv vägs från problemet...Vikt Fördelning.
Ett terori bakom den 4-point systom är hästens Rygg Frihet (det komma en del att gilla:bump:) Hästen kan böj sin rygg lätter!! "BÖJLIGHET?"
Jag tror en del av ni kan mer om hästens "Böjlighet" är jag (Eva/Bewildered?)
Den terori kan stämma, men....när hästen böjer sig till vänster...öker man inte sadel trycket på den siden också just på dom stödja points, vänster bog och vänster kropp?

The Desert Rose, God´s little paradise, home of everything that stings :devil:
These long winters I miss Arizona.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Det ar ju hans egna tree om jag forstar det ratt vilket gor att han skar ner pa inkopskostnaden t.ex. "sma" saker som det gor skillnad. Sen att det ar fiberglass kan gora det billigare (och bra mkt lattare att hantera for oss mindre, nattare, aldre, fragila osv personer ;)). Ju mer han gor sjalv, desto mer kan han kontrollera utgifterna. ^^

Im a bit beat up mentality atm after having to put down my lil pup this morning and lackin sleep, averaged about 2 hours/night the last 2 weeks so i'll get back to you about the bending and the change in preassure points, but you are right.

A correctly bent horse will acctually bend at the ribs/ribcage thus lenghtening the outerside, shortening the inner. Short chunky muscles on the inside, tall and lean on the outside thus changing the applied preassure on the inside. It's a whole little science that ill try to explain better another day. As for collection under a saddle - people talk about "Raising the back muscles" what true collection is is acctually a cirkle that starts at the first rib/chestbone and goes all the way up to the ligamentum nauchus.. uhm.. nackbandet pa svenska. Pardon my spelling if its off. :/ Collection is more a "lift" of the belly than acctual tention in the back muscles. I have a neat explanation written down somewhere that i can type in here once i remeber where the F i put it.
Sv: CorrecTORen prisvärd?bra eller dålig?

Here is a simple visible demonstration of back lift for you.

Horse at the stand still


Horse at the walk


As you can see, the horse's back at the walk has already lifted up to the tree completely. Add a rider, it will lift more. Increase the gait, more lift.

If the tree allows enough space for the back to work with a rider at a canter, there will naturally be more space at the walk and the jog because the back isn't lifted as much. So even a saddle that cooperates perfectly with the horse STILL has to "bridge" at least in the slower gaits. You're always going to end up with 4 points of pressure at least part of the time.

Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur

  • Uppdateringstråd 31
  • Valp 2025
  • Akvarietråden V

