Sv: Wolfdietrich - underbar artikel
Nu har fyra svenska hästar fått en artikel, eller har jag missat någon, Wolfdietrich, Woerman, Ajax och Dante.
Greatest Oldies är en mycket trevligt skriven serie om forna storheter inom dressyrsporten. All heder åt Silke Rotterman som skriver dessa artiklar för eurodressage. Man önskar att detta kanske kunde komma i bokform så småningom.
Chammartins metod för uppvärmning inför sin Olympiaritt 1964 var minst sagt orginell:
“Dressage and jumping riders alike now witnessed a spectacle rarely to be seen on such important occasions. Henri sped his horse around the racetrack which had been approximately 1,5 km long. Woermann galloped it one and a half round before Henri took him to extended trot which he showed half a round. This was followed by 50 metres of energetic passage and finished with 1 metre of piaffe. Then Henri gave Woermann a short break to regain his breath and returned to the warm- up arena.”