Träna för hållbarhet

Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

He don't, he do it around 3-4 years old. They send their horses to a guy to break them as 3 year olds... or whenever they get caught :rofl: just something with horses in coolies :angel:
Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

Aha, yes it is just something we old timers do because that´s what the old time old timers did, and not just in America but here in Sweden.
Maybe the reason the old time old timers let them colts run wild an extra year was just too give em a chance too grow and toughen upp so that they would be able too put in a hard days work chasing doggies or hauling timmber all day.

A man who has made a living working with horses his whole life has probably learned a thing or two.
So get a 6-pack, sit down with that old man and pick his ol brain in the evening sunset:
I bet he´s got some stories too tell.
Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

Tween him n Gramps there's stories enough for 100 books. did u know u can halterbreak a horse by tapping it on the nose with a stick? :o

but we're gettin way of topic lol sort of anyway.

They didn't think much about jointdevelopment, the quality of the feed any further than "good" or "bad". Gramps bred his apps for legs and thickness, but in the later years he had a bunch of racemares kickin' around.

But yeah, i do believe that a foal that grows up in a quarter or section sized pasture develop way different than one that grows up in a boxstall and in smaller pastures. Thats the one thing all "W-horses" truly have in common wether they're apps or quarters.

and, im a younger generation, some things gramps did i wouldn't do. Not because he's a bad horseman cuz thats not true, lol, but cuz the world's grown smaller, the "clinical" knowledge of horses grown bigger and in some cases there are easier ways. They're cowboys, excellent when taking the rough outta the stock. Watchin them sit a horse, they have a perfect seat (k, one shoulder is dumped due to the roping and constant carrying of the rope) balanced, straight, even. Tbh i think their seat is genetic. Hard to believe that they've never been to a clinic, or regularly trained for anyone. They have one base of knowledge i dont have - but on the other hand, we exchange knowledge too. They're good that way, open minded and curious. Buuut veryvery off topic. :angel: ill empty my inbox n lets take it over pms before TS comes and shoots me in the butt for straying way to far.
Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

Nobody is going too shoot you in the butt, you been gone so long you forget how these buka lines go?
Everybody is spouting their ideas.
I try too see the Whole Picture:
A GOOD HORSE, 4-squire-hand wide, sound in wind & limbe! say that too gramp´s and watch him :D
that´s Hållbarhet i en nutshell.
Senast ändrad:
Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

didnt mean trainingclinics - my bad.. meant clinical. Too damn early in the morning to think! :rofl: Like wrangler was thinkin, the mare, the feed and so on. the mroe mechanical aspects of a sound horse, lets call it our "foundation" for the "house" we try to build when we break the horses for ridin.

The trainer fatherinlaw and the lil lady used to send their most promisin colts to are D. Latimer.. who acctually worked for gramps "way back when he was young" breaking colts. Small world. :rofl: took me a while before i realized that Latimer was THE latimer and i damnear fell of my chair, like someone hit me in the head with a shovel lol but we all start out somewhere ey.. :) She dont keep as many around any more and send the majority of them to an ole barnhand of hers, he's closer and they have taken some steps back from the show circut, and cut down the mareband alot. Went from a couple 100 heads to 25. :cry: But seein what the horses from them can do, i can't see myself buyin from any other qhs breeder. They can show and work, and are cowy as all hll. Gonna be so much fun workin with the babies i have here! :love: prolly gonna look sumtin like: :bump: right before i hit the dirt.

i belive with a good genetic and enviromental "foundation" on our babies, we have a better base to stand on when it comes to longer lastin horses. Takin in "all four corners" in the breeding plans, together with knowledge about the bloodlines (another reason i might get shot lol) different bloodlines seem to me like they have a very different way of growing. I dont have exray vision, unfortunatly, lol, but "my brand a music" colts grow slower, both fysicly and mentally, than, lets take Brendas BRstuds colts. Fysicly as young ones they can't compare, the brandcolts are "young horse wobbly", "childish" and not "attatched" (head dont know what butt is doin), while the BRcolts are in total control, grow equally heightwise as widthwise and are "done" growin as 3.5 yos as average while brandcolts grow till 6 yos - in all directions!, im not a fan of the brandcolts. Love their mentality, hate their bodies.
Sv: Träna för hållbarhet

Wow, it is a small world, bet you get a lot of interesting story´s.

So true, good foundation (bone/muscle) only comes from good stock.
And of course, like you say--- room too run, those Alberta hills will produce some fine colts.

Interesting about the BR colts and brand colts.

If you plan on hitting the it now when your young, when you get to my age a fall :bump: can hurt like hell :devil:

Check out this:
Other than the white hind foot he´s a copy of Amigo, (kinda freaked me out:eek:)

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