Har en 8-årig tinker som varit halt till o från senaste halvåret. Behandlad med kortison men hjälte inte. Blev MR och vet tycker att det är värt att behandla. Men ja känner en tveksamhet om detta någonsin kommer bli bra… bara ett långsamt farväl med massa behandlingar.
Någon med erfarenhet av liknande?
Domen lyder:
• Desmitis of the mid to distal body of both collateral ligaments of the DIP joint, RF > LF, with the medial collateral ligament of the RF foot most significantly affected overall
• Mild desmitis of the CSL, LF
• Mild degree of proliferative tissue within the proximal recess of the navicular
bursa, LF and RF
• Moderate chronic appearing synovitis within the DIP joint, LF and RF
o Mild fragmentation of the extensor process of P3, LF
o Mild peri-articular modelling within the DIP joint of the RF
Någon med erfarenhet av liknande?
Domen lyder:
• Desmitis of the mid to distal body of both collateral ligaments of the DIP joint, RF > LF, with the medial collateral ligament of the RF foot most significantly affected overall
• Mild desmitis of the CSL, LF
• Mild degree of proliferative tissue within the proximal recess of the navicular
bursa, LF and RF
• Moderate chronic appearing synovitis within the DIP joint, LF and RF
o Mild fragmentation of the extensor process of P3, LF
o Mild peri-articular modelling within the DIP joint of the RF