Har funderat en stund på om jag ska posta en dikt jag skrev ikväll och blev lätt road nu när jag oroar mig för att ångra mig om jag gör det. Då skedde ytterligare ett av livets alla felbeslut
, om än ett ganska oskyldigt sådant. Som många kanske egentligen är. Jag tänkte först skriva på svenska, men orden funkade inte riktigt och nu är det eventuellt syftningsfel i dikten
, men det gör kanske inte så mycket när det är just en dikt.
I wish I had chosen better,
I wish I had been more kind,
but I know that I can't change what
has already been done.
I fear my future choices,
I fear how I may act,
although I know that I should
be in control of that.
But acts are sometimes hasty
and choosing way too slow
and the world is full of pressure
to show the best of you.
Well, showing can be lying,
intentional or not,
and then you cannot be what
the others thought they got.
So I might begin to dwell on
what shouldn't be dwelled on,
but I never really know what
is right to do dwell on.
Because if never one was dwelling,
how else did that one learn?
Made it right from the beginning, or
did simply just not care?
Okay, there may be more ways
to deal with what's now past.
However, I'm still worried
about my future acts.
I wish I will choose better.
I wish I'll be more kind.
Might it just be possible
if I dare to try and try.

I wish I had chosen better,
I wish I had been more kind,
but I know that I can't change what
has already been done.
I fear my future choices,
I fear how I may act,
although I know that I should
be in control of that.
But acts are sometimes hasty
and choosing way too slow
and the world is full of pressure
to show the best of you.
Well, showing can be lying,
intentional or not,
and then you cannot be what
the others thought they got.
So I might begin to dwell on
what shouldn't be dwelled on,
but I never really know what
is right to do dwell on.
Because if never one was dwelling,
how else did that one learn?
Made it right from the beginning, or
did simply just not care?
Okay, there may be more ways
to deal with what's now past.
However, I'm still worried
about my future acts.
I wish I will choose better.
I wish I'll be more kind.
Might it just be possible
if I dare to try and try.