Florencio I fick pungbråck (litet)


Eurodressage skrev den 4 juni:
"Florencio has a small inguinal hernia, but because we noticed it straight away, they only had to push the intestines back and he didn't need surgery," said owner Jeannette Nijhoff.
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Ridsport skrev den 5 juni:
I Sverige får inte hingstar med pungbråck användas i aveln. Avelsvärderingsnämndens (AVN) veterinärledamot Malena Behring säger att de ännu inte tittat på fallet Florencio, men att det ska tas upp.
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Sv: Florencio I fick pungbråck (litet)

Florencio I var f ö i "blåsväder" redan i början av sin avelskarriär när det uppdagades att han hade EVA.
Eurodressage den 15/2 2005:
The rumour that the 2004 World Young Horse Champion Florencio is EVA positive, has finally been officially confirmed by owner Henk Nijhof. Right after the 2004 World Championships in July, Westfalian licensed stallion Florencio became ill because of a breeding accident, Nijhof stated at that time. Since then the rumour floated in Europe that the stallion was EVA positive and suffered from fever attacks because of that. Dutch equestrian journalist Karin de Haan finally got the Florencio's EVA positive status officially confirmed through Nijhof.
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Någon som vet hur det går till idag när man seminerar ett EVA-negativt sto med honom. Ställer man dem i karantän?

Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur

  • Lugnande medel till hund.
  • Uppdateringstråd 30
  • Akvarietråden V


